Manchin: Holding bill hostage is not going to get my vote

He is trying to milk every drop in this situation as much as he can, yesterday nobody had heard of him, and I think he is enjoying all the negative attention he is receiving right now, thats what politicians are as you can see, they dont give a damn about anything but their own carriers, the man is blaming that he cant explain the bill to his constituency back home, poles have clearly shown what people wants, things in the bill, and if he cannot explain this to his constituency, perhaps he is ashamed to go back and tell them he doesnt want to give them what they want, look them straight in the eyes and tell em as it is, or perhaps he is actually telling the truth, that he doesnt understand what is in the bill and thats just as bad because he is telling you all how ignorant and perhaps illiterate he is, but that cant be the case either, he must have people around him what can read and write, so it must be the first reason why he cant I mentioned, he just doesnt want to stand there and tell em the facts, so he keep dragging on and on and on and for every of these press conferences he is under the impression that somehow it is beneficial to his carrier, let him go down in history for being the one who crashed this triad victory of the WH the Senate and the House, and he and the other one Sinema brought everything down with them, these two are the worst kind of persons, what a shame, I say vote them out keep them out of public service and let their names be forgotten forever, no dont do that, let people never forget how they brought the house down when things could have been so much easier, these people are not there to serve the people, if you believe that, you are one ignorant person I'll you, vote them out next time, anyone is better than these ones, because they are full of shit.
