Mother Of Kyle Rittenhouse: ‘'If He Didn't Have That Gun, My Son Would'v...

I hereby change my stance when I state that I didnt think for a moment Kyle went there to shoot people now after he in his own words clearly said that he would shoot people standing there, its on video and it cannot be denied, he also proved himself more than he has already done to be a very unstable young man after he brutally beat up that young girl as if she was a man, unleashing everything he had on her, I at this point have no sympathy whatsoever towards Kyle, we are lucky he didnt kill more people than he already did, I believe he is capable of doing more harm if he could, look I dont blame the mother in this interview and other interviews of her arguing these ridiculous reasons why and why not, like here she is saying if Kyle didnt have the AR15 she believe he would be killed, when I strongly believe the opposite is true, if he was unarmed nobody would pay attention to him and he wouldnt had taken two lives and by that wouldnt had to find himself in all this trouble, but a mother even in ignorance would say whatever she feels is right in her mind to get her son out of this mess, even though the arguments are contradictory to what we know would be the fact, so perhaps we should take her statements to convict Kyle, what is for sure, she is not helping with her statements, but we are trying to be fair here, and today after being presented with other evidence of Kyle stating he would gladly shoot people and also beating up a young girl is more than prof to me that the man is unstable mainly because of the values he has got from home and from others around him that made him leave his own state rushing to a conflict zone and it resulted in the death of two persons, this should not be over looked, he should get a harder sentence than I previously thought was appropriate, 15-10 years minimum, not under ten years in prison, with good behavior. 
