Nestlé: The Most Evil Business in the World

The mollas are doing the same, they invited Nestle diverted one of the best purest fresh drinking water anywhere in the world came down from the mountains, and more than plenty of it, after the mollas took over, they started to divert that unlimited free fresh water and forced the Iranian people to buy their drinking water, these mollas are to evil so jealous they even take the blessings of God He has bestowed upon people steal it and sell it back for profit, whatever you Iranian people decide to do with these mollas you are entitled to, and I urge leaders of other nations to oppose the mollas because they are nothing but trouble these people, as long as (any) Palestinian factions stand with the mollas, I will in strongest terms oppose you, and I also urge Assad of Syria to get rid of the mollas out of your country, tell them to leave, they are nothing but cancer nothing but trouble, the sooner they leave the faster our country will be brought back up its feets.
They must be sanctioned !!! and the Iranian people must rise and hammer the final nail in their coffins and have it done with.
