New Rule: OK, Zoomer | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

I think the point not being made here is, there are many of course but one is, the special greedy interest, in the case of the boomers, back in the days the Special interest if you all recall made ads with the Marlboro Man trying to convince people smoking is not only manly but also healthy, since then they of course changed their rhetorics because time changed, now we know better, or not, so perhaps the boomers were destructive as the newer generations are, we are after all the same old human beings, but not the greedy special interest, they remain at their seats with more money they know what to do with, they only changed their tactics with other arguments why people should follow their ways, the way to extinction ultimately self annihilation, this is the nature of human beings, it has been foreseen, Scriptures has talked about it, and how it will going to happen, we are witnessing it with our own eyes right now, the fact is, it wont end well, the reason I always go back to Scriptures is because, all the arguments has already being made clear by those whom came long before us, in fact right at the beginning of things, people were arguing about the same things way back then, and the answers were also given in Scriptures, and telling you all friends the truth, I find the answers more potent than anything anyone is offering today by anyone, so naturally I have to take the side of the wise ones back then because their questions and the answers given were the best and more to the point, straight to the point, the truth is, the truth can enlighten ones eyes but not necessarily bring comfort to ones soul when presented, it is what it is, people dont want to heed the truth, because it requires change in one behavior, and people dont change that easily, the simple way is not always the easiest path to choose, and who is to blame for that, ultimately, its in our nature, its a destructive one, and that is why we wont be around for much longer, as predicted, but then you have the special interest who say, we are powerful, we will suffer no grief, we made it so far and we will make it through it, somehow, but that is wishful thinking if you ask me, it can only end in one way, ultimately just one way, lets say, we managed to establish a new homestead on Mars or wherever, you still cannot change the nature of mankind, and its greed, if we managed to mess it up here when things are so simple, what makes you think when under stress somewhere else we wont dig deeper graves for ourselves, we would, human beings are hypocritical, greedy and jealous, how are you going to remove these traits from your nature, you wont ever be able to do that, its impossible, for most of you that is, and thats why this reality celebrate has twenty times more followers than little Greta, again it is what it is, it cant be reversed, we are what we are, I personally have encountered so much evil and wickedness in my life and if it wasnt for God, I wouldnt be here, so dont speak to me about hope for mankind, you are one fucked up creatures you, you chouldnt handle this gift with free will, if up to you completely with no intervention from higher ups, none of you would have been here right now, call it Supreme Mercy, thats what I call it. 
