President Biden Participates in a Bilateral Meeting with The President o...

This is not an understatement when I say for each encounter with the Mexican people I get more and more impressed, they are genuinely kind people, thats what they are, they deserve all the best things God can bestow upon them, today I was about to set sail from here, I sailed around two miles out and strong winds hit me and torn apart my 30 year old head sail, the main sail is brand new but the head sail has to be 40 years old, I dont think they make sails that way, its laminated crap, and of course after decades the material weakens especially laminated layers of whatever it is made of, so I was forced to return drop anchor get to land try to find a sail maker to repair my old headsail, I had a better one but that one had also a rift in it but its not that old, I came on land saw two Mexican gentlemen standing there selling tickets to these tour boats, asked them if they knew any sail makers and the guy said he know someone near by, and here is how good these guys are, he left his job drove me to the sail maker introduced me so I would get a good price and I got a very good price for the repair and he drove me back to the marina, when I insisted to compensate him he refused said that he only wanted to help out, are these Mexican people the best or what, they sure are, if I wasnt basically forced to leave this country I wouldnt, I would have stayed later on invested shit load of money here, brought industries with me and made it just a bit nicer if you can even make it nicer than it already is, because they are my kind of people, you are the best :) 
