Rittenhouse Trial: KEY Gun Charge DISMISSED

Rittenhouse its on tape said he would love to shoot these people protesting, at first I wanted to give the fool the benefit of the doubt, I knew he went there for the action to come home as some kind of hero thinking his chances to get a girlfriend would increase, but now we even know he beats girls as if he was fighting boys, the coward in the video we saw unleashed all he had on this girl, the guy is clearly unstable and a danger to society and now we have learned he shot one of those he killed four times, and one bullet in the back of his head, he executed him, it wasnt self defense, it was an execution, he needs to go to prison for what he have caused taste some of that prison water and food see if he likes it, the unfortunate thing is, I believe he will become even a worse person after he has done his time, because he is unstable and prison only worsen an unstable person like a ticking time bomb, again I always want to find the grounds where and why things went wrong, and it always leads me to their family situations at home, when you have elders who are unstable themselves those around them will take after what they see, and it looks like he didnt have any father figure around him either with a mother who let him do as he pleased not restricting him like getting hold of a military style gun, it wasnt like he was interested in hunting or anything, one buys an AR15 for times of trouble, and in interviews we saw the mother was in fact encouraging him in his actions, again I wonder what more she encouraged when there were no cameras around at home all these years, look when I see a boy especially a boy beating up girls, that says everything I need to know about him, we know when these cowards grow up they will become the worst kid of manchilds in society going from being wife beaters to cheaters to become people not to be trusted on any matters, Rittenhouse is a piece of shit, and now a killer too, a mass murderer, I hope he gets a lengthy prison sentence.  
