Rittenhouse’s mom on Biden defaming son: ‘Our lawyers are going to handl...

Of course one feel sorry for the mother in situations like this when her son is on trial for taking couple of peoples lives, but as always I place much of the blame of kids who commit crimes while living with their parents on the parents as much as the kid in question, parents have responsibility to approve or guide at least what values goes into the heads of their children, I am pretty sure the mother knew her under aged son was in possession of an AR15, and I am sure while mother and son were watching these rioters on Fox news who always hype things up and basically brainwash program people to take matters in their own hands, just like right now, they even double down on the vigilantes to take matters in their own hands, encouraging it, this is Fox news for you, so when mother and son watches channels like this, they of course get influenced by the content, but the mother should have known better and try to deprogram her naive simpleton of a son not to take things like this too seriously to leave his won state travel to another dressed like a something between a criminal and an extremist with an AR15 thinking he is sending a message of peace to people around him, the police doesnt need you or anyone else, you when you interfering in police matters like this make the situation much more difficult for law enforcement and taking previous resources from them, just like what happened here in this case, if Kyle really wanted to help, he could have left his AR15 at home, brought a hand gun for self defense, not waving it around but have it hidden in a backpack or something, in this way he wouldnt been seen as a threat to people who doesnt carry an AR15 a military weapon like he was, look old saying goes, live by a weapon die with by a weapon, its simple, the parent should have explained this to their fool of a son, and now he took two lives, I understand the rioters were hard headed like Kyle and his supporters are, thats why you should avoid being around people like that, and now after he got free on bail, Kyle went and took pictures with all kinds of far right extremist groups and got fundraised by them, why do you act surprised when he project a picture of himself like that when people call him a white supremacy, the worst thing I heard from the mother was yesterday when she said, Kyle would do it all over again, I mean c mon now, you dumb fool, your son is on trial and could be locked up for decades and you still insist he was doing the right thing, is this what you are teaching your son still after all this, I can only wonder what you teach him in private, I dont know if I can have any sympathy for her when she send this kind of message to other weak minded kids like hers, I stand by my statement, I blame her for what happened, Kyle live with her, she is his elder, she brought him up like this and as you all can see, she still say what he did was the right thing, leave state to go wreck havoc elsewhere, again, if he really wanted to help to be helpful, he should have left his AR15 at home, dressed like an aid worker that would have sent a positive message then this wouldnt happened, I do encourage people to be helpful in situations like what happened, sure you can go there, but do it in the right way, dont dress like you are about to go to war, again I blame the mother and Fox news and the message they are sending people, that do by all means go to these chaotic situations, dressed like you are about to go to war, and do what needs to be done, shoot first ask questions later, then we will have something to report on.
Its disgusting, Fox news is using the mother and Kyle, cant you see that for Gods sake, they dont give a damn about any of you, they just want the damn (ratings), the viewership, thats what it is all about, wake up !!
