Ships in Horrible Storms

4:30 that happened to me TWICE in one day, after four days of battling a storm that finally broke my boat, I unlike these guys was in side the boat both times it almost flipped over, it cant actually do a full roll because you have a keel but what you see here is exactly what happened to me, it came the third day of trying to keep things together, and the winds were much more severe than in this video, 45-60 knots winds, the third day without eating ANYTHING after the second day I didnt even drink a drop of water not that I didnt have access to it, you just lose I dont know what it was but the will to drink water, even though you know you have to drink something, but I didnt, and the worse thing was that, I was already by that time soaked in saltwater, and the salt was running in my mouth, it was just a nightmare, and on the third day after being on my legs for all that time soaked and cold and miserable I couldnt stay up anymore so I took a five minute rest or something, it was less than ten minutes, then hell broke loose as if wasnt bad enough, like you see in the video, because I had the boat on autopilot the boat while I was resting lying down instead of surfing down the waves, the thing turned into the wave, like this boat, and haha all of the sudden I find myself on top of the sealing of the boat when the boat almost flipped over like in this video and the hatch you get in and out of the boat was completely submerged, I could see the perfect deep blue sea, water started to rush in and in a split second, I thought to myself, ok in a short moment you are going to find yourself out in the middle of the ocean now what are you gonna do Sonny boy, then the boat straightened itself up again and the thing was, I hadent secured all my heavy batteries to the point that if you turn the boat upside down they wouldnt wall down, they were secured if the boat would have flipped 110 degrees or something but not 180, now I have batteries ten of them, all over the place submerged, the rollover and the wave hitting me like a truck had washed away my solar panels, and now with batteries lying all over submerged in saltwater, I had lost all electric power, now I was forced to stay behind the wheel all the time and at the same time I was forced to empty the boat of water up to my knees, in the middle of a storm, but I had no choice to try anything to empty the boat of water, so I did what I could, I ran back and forward locking the wheel for a few seconds to run back and take a bucket of water out and so I did for a few hours, when almost all the water was emptied, I had locked the wheel while I was inside the boat, again for only a few seconds, the boat because there were no one behind the wheel steering, it turned into he wave again and the same thing happened all over again, thank God I was inside the boat other wise I would have fallen out of it then you wouldnt have the pleasure to have me around, at these points you start to have a serious conversation with God, like WHYYYY give me break here lol the ironic thing was that, dying was not in my mind, for some reason I wasnt afraid of sinking, it actually felt like a trial a test to see in what state of mind I would become to, and I have to say, other than that I was completely exhausted, I said to God, ok now You have tested me and I am still fine, still with a sound mind, can You now release me of this misery, and then I saw a huge ship from nowhere, Hellas Poseidon, baby ;) I dont know how he received my mayday with the cheap 1500 dollar VHF (and) with very limited battery left in it, the thing is fully charged the reach of it is like two miles or perhaps three, regardless, this ship was farther than that, at least couple of miles, I could barely see it, thank God he received my signal, it took him more than four hours to reach me, because I was doing I dont know 15 knots surfing down the waves and his ship did not do much more, perhaps 16 something knots, long story short, the rest is history, what I wanted to show you is how it looks like when your little sailboat gets kicked by a wave like if you have been hit by a train, this is how it looks like, it hits you with enormous amount of force, throw you around like if you were weightless made of feathers, I loved that boat, it took so much beating, not only in this storm, that boat went through a lot with me, and eventually it took fire with batteries and others on fire but it was there with me almost to the end, leaving it was the hardest decision in my life I had to make, because you dont want to leave it by its own knowing you cant save it the way things were, and if you had stay on it that would definitely be the end of you so you have to be rational, it felt like leaving a buddy behind to its own fate, I do now understand why captains want to go down with their ships, You dont know, but I do, especially the old school captains, not these pussies nowadays who would abandon ship before everyone else would.
Hellas Poseidon, thats the name of the ship and its good captain that should be remembered, he must have been either Russian Ukrainian or something, may God keep him and his crew always safe, the man saved my life, so that I can continue trolling and fuck around with people :):)
