Thousands of Afghans fleeing to Iran daily

Today more than half of the Iranian army are of Afghan Iraqi and Lebanese descendants, its true, the mollas are not that stupid either, they wont let anyone in unless they can have some kind of use of them, I have told you friends when I went to Syria, honest to God by God, 80% if not 90% of those Persian speaking fighters were Afghans, I rarely saw any Iranians except those who were assigned to keep an eye on me, even two of those were Afghans, and I have also told you about how their commanders insulted them young Afghans and beat them, in the middle of the street, you have seen how ISIL treated non ISIL folks, the Iranian and Afghan commanders treated their own in that way, seeing all this I was thinking to myself, I wonder with no moral how can these young people go and fight effectively, I didnt go to any battlefield but I was much around mosques where on hourly basis new slayed dead body came in for get a prayer over it by its friends and commanders and even then their commanders were pushing insulting these young Afghan fighter.
Listen when God said (read) also mean get educated, if all got more learned got more schooling they wouldnt be fooled by manipulators like these satanic mollas, and also like ISIL, and so many others, if you are interested in learning you broaden your world view get inspired by things more interesting than fighting other peoples wars just survive, just so that you get something to eat, this is what a human life is worth for these mollas, and have I said, I know so so many homosexuals that are deep within hezbola and other Iranian affiliated cults, I know of witches within their ranks, I swear to God it is true, they have prostitutes the whole shebang I am telling you, dont see these rats as deeply religious people, they are not, they like the rest of them hiding behind religions, look those of you who knows something about anything know the hashish grown in Lebanon is directly controlled by hezbola, its in the shia hezbola territories, not only that, the synthetic drugs out of Lebanon is also produced by The Party of the Devil, and you thought Nasrala is some kind of a holy man, haa think again, you dont know nothing or you dont wanna know, in Sodom Sweden, I know for a fact because I have seen it, hezbola cult members are trafficking all kinds of drugs, how do you think the Party of Satan is financing its projects, where do you think they get their money from, and they dare use the name party of God to describe themselves, it remains to be seen how God will deal with them in its time, same thing with the many Palestinian groups, listen fiends, I know hundreds of these people, I used to be close to those whom their parents were high ranking military officials in Palestine from Fattah to Hamas to homos, ok not the last one, and the thing was, the higher up in the ranks they were, the bigger actual criminals they were, dealing in drugs anything you could make money from, and I swear, the (majority) were also homosexuals too, I am NOT bashing gay folks here, I am just telling you the facts here, because its curious to see the connection between their criminal dark backstabbing minds and also being homosexuals, personally I think they as kids were sexually molested by their fathers uncles someone close and when they grow up they lash out at everything and anything, I am NOT taking any Zionist side here, I am just explaining to you if you are interested in truth and facts how these people are, now knowing all this, as a Believer, do you also like I believe these people are blessed or cursed, why is all these calamities trials difficulties hardships landed on them, is it because they are innocent or is it perhaps something else, from what I know and seen I say it has to be something else, what I am telling you my intelligent friends is, dont be quick taking one side over another, perhaps we shouldnt take any side, perhaps we should take both sides when they are right on their whatever the argument is, if its sound and true then on that particular issue, we will take that side, but to take ones side and disregard all their other clear crimes and hypocrisy cant be the way either, so we have to remain fluent, this is why I urge you Jews Arabs Persians Americans whoever you are wherever you come from, even if your countrymen are clearly mislead on some issue, even your own family members, you need to tell them about it, in a kind manner with prof, we have to go back to the first argument, get educated and let what you have learned guide you, you certainly will make mistakes along the way every now and then, its ok but you still are better learned than your opponents your next of kin your peers and family members, this is the Age of Deception, only proper education can lead you out of the traps laid before you, dont fall for any sectarian bs for nationalism non of that, stand on the side of what is closest to the truth and things will be alright, good luck.

Down with the mollas ! :) hate those sons of bitches 
