Ultra-Orthodox Children's Author Accused of Abusing Minors

These are the kinds of things that happens in closed off communities, they turn into cults and you dont expose any wrong doing as a cult member, not even when it comes to sexual child molestation, this is why people need to work extra hard exposing these cults and their leaders when it comes to light what they have done, on one hand they advocate for stoning of sinners but as long as its not themselves committing the worst of all sins, the mollas are exactly doing the same kind of things, they even have made some of it legal, I have told you folks, they have a government run agency where single girls can sign up for temporary "marriages" you as a man can go there pick up a girl you like, "marry" her for one hour for one day or for as long as both of you agree on, but as cheap as these mollas are they make it as short term as possible, then they pay a fee to the government agency and her too depending on their agreement, and you folks have no idea how many Iranian women have fallen into this circle of never leaving this government whorehouses the mollas have created, and its getting worse by the year, because why get a husband by get a job when you can earn money this way, these mollas have polluted the whole society these satanic creeps, and as filthy and perverted as they are, you have no idea how many children they also have molested, pedophilia in Iran is a huge problem today, but you never hear a word about it anywhere, according to public records, there are zero pedophilia cases in Iran, according to them, none whatsoever, like it doesnt exist, because these mollas are so pure so God fearing, and here is the truth some of you pro Iranian government doesnt know, characters like the late general Soleymani and such, they were the watch dogs of these practices, and you thought they were also some kind of holy warriors, you have no idea what you are talking about, Iran today under the mollas is a closed off society where the mollas and their guard dogs the IRGC are keeping a close eye on everything and everyone and they dont want you to learn whats actually going on. When I was in Iran 2016 after I got released from that private prison I have talked about, they arranged a flat for me in a building with around 12 apartments, the apartment next to me was a prostitute living and each day she had at least two three costumers, I saw all kinds of people coming and going there, some even who looked like mollas in civilian cloths, because we know how they dress like, they telegraph it they cant hide their look, and in the same building lived this Basiji guy with his family, imagine that, a Basiji living next to a whorehouse, but its not surprising really, if you knew these people these hypocrites these dirty rats you wouldnt be surprised either, the point I am making is, cults come in many shades, but they all have one thing in common, corruption hypocrisy deceivefullness, because there are two kinds of cult members, one are the wolves and the other the naive sheeps, and these two never mix, the wolves never want to expose and reveille the true doctrine, these need these so called true believers to do their biddings, to spread the "good word", if you want good chance of true salvation, you need to start your journey on your own, you need to seek information from all angles and never ever get stocked in one and the same place for too long, you have to keep on moving and make yourself a sitting target for cults to trap you and get hold of you and never ever get too attached to any dear leader, dont give them that authority they only get cockier and get more and more corrupt, as you have seen.
