Unfit the Psychology of Donald Trump (2020), American president business...

After watching this documentary and from what more I know about mr Trump, I would say, the man is not an intelligent individual, but he has the aspiration to be one, the only traits that brought him at this point in life is first and foremost, daddys money, second his ruthlessness, third I would say, NOT intelligence but a drive to be one and thats it, and the Evangelicals say he is a messiahs, he said himself that he is the chosen one, a ruthless corrupt messiah, never heard of that before, unless the adjective Trump forgot to put before the world messiah, anti ! anti messiah, sorry to say, many Evangelicals today have lost their minds, the whole world is mocking them even other Christian denominations yet they insist Trump is a man of God, when Trump this " Evangelical messiah" when asked said, he never asked God for forgiveness because he makes no mistakes, when will you Evangelicals wake up and recognize their pastors has been lying to them all along, I am not saying become liberals, what I am saying is, your own people are lying to you, you have been fraud !  
