We are nowhere near where we need to be - Obama - BBC News

Oh No Obama is absolutely full of shit, lying damn hypocrite, and I will explain why he and his are so full of shit, pisses me off, his and their argument that going electric like building electric charging stations so on and so forth will help reducing carbon emissions is nonsense but a lie, the (only) way traveling on electric can be helpful reducing carbon is when you generate your own electricity and NOT for energy in case of electricity is wired long distances from where it is generated, and you have to ask yourselves, how is this enormous amount of electricity needed is going to be generated, its not like power companies are going to get it from solar and wind, they are going to burn fossil fuel to generate the electricity needed, and it is (actually) more energy efficient for fossil fuels to be transported by trucks to gas stations then directly into your fuel tanks, because the electricity generated in power station far away looses more than half of its power via cables, while a truck transporting tons of fuel to a station near by you is not wasting that much energy to get the fuel where you need it, and when Obama says, companies are committing themselves to go carbon neutral what does that even mean, that they will stop being productive?? look for anything to move it requires energy and that energy has to come from somewhere, and as always it can only come from burning fossil fuel, its the only relabel energy source in abundance there is, and those who are paying Oh No Obama to give speeches are the same special interests who are profiting from these energy sources, to go fully green, you have only two choices, either build more nuclear power plants to replace fossil fuel burning power plants and at the same time build massive amount of wind turbine farms and solar on each roof tops, because again, this enormous amount of energy needed has to come from somewhere, but he this damn hypocrite Obama doesnt tell you that, and his equally hypocritical buddy Karry who is it seems allergic to travel greener himself, flying his private jet to all these meetings and conferences is also full of shit as Oh NO Obama is, these idiots are nothing but actors and spokes persons to those who pays them to show up when needed, and another reason why they are pushing for more electric vehicles is because of the control over societies it brings with it, for Big Brother, now there is no escape for anyone, and with 5G all over the place, if they want to shut your car down for any reason, they can do it by push of a button, these people dont give a damn about going green, they just want more and more power over you, thats what it is all about, more power to their master, in fact going "green" as they say will increase carbon emissions, and those who do not live what they preach, how can any of you take these people seriously, forget about all these other arguments made here, if you do not live what you preach, your word is worthless, you are worthless, because you are a hypocrite, and hypocrites must never ever be trusted, because they are full of shit, and another underlining argument they send is, taxation, further taxing the working class, while they themselves legislate to avoid paying any taxes or a minimum of what they should, Oh NO Obama wants to keep you poor, they take pleasure when they see you struggling because Barry is a  sadistic fuck and must never ever be trusted, and the good news is, at least 80% of the American people dislikes him, the only place he gets applauds is at these meetings, thats where he gets his kick from, piece of shit.
If you want to go green, you have to do it individually to have most effect, like traveling (light) because the heavier you travel with like in a car something heavy, it requires more and more energy to move that amount of mass, tell that to Kerry with his traveling routines, with jets and such, so you have to travel lighter and stop being a damn hypocrite as these are, and also you need to generate your own electricity your own power and you need to being less wasteful in life, and while you are at it, elect proper politicians who get all these things, not these paid actors who wouldt give a shit about you, elect (only) politicians who are willing to tax the wealthy and oppose taxing the working class, this is what you folks need to do, NO further tax burdens on the working class, with all this inflation on the rise they also are programming you to willingly pay more in taxes, instead of taking some of the burdens they inflected on you they now out of their greed wants to increase it further, because they are blood sucking vampires, they are a bunch of sick sons of bitches, Hell will be their eternal resting place, and when you hear them saying they believe in God, go to churches and other houses of worship, you know its just for show, these people dont even believe in Paradise and Hell and the rest of it, I have heard and seen them contradicting themselves, in interviews when asked of them, I have heard them say there is no after life, that we dont have souls, because if they actually believed in what they say they believe in, you think they would dare committing all these sins they are behind, I dont think so, they have no conscience thats why they are taking things to the shitter, thats why they have destroyed this world with their policies, if you believed there are consequences for ones actions by the Creator on the Day of Judgment, you wouldnt dare committing all these crimes against humanity, as Believers what we have been told by God over and over again is the fact that there will be a such thing as the Day of Judgment, this is perhaps the main pillar in our belief, that think twice if you consider committing a crime because there will be a price to be paid for it in due time so watch out, think twice think many times before you consider buying the arguments of the Devil, the Deceiver, like these hypocrites you see at these meetings, shame on them all. 
