Whale Gently Pushes Paddleboarder With Fin

I cant put myself in the minds of those who in cold blood in such an uncivilized manner hunt these gentle super intelligent giants, I cant believe how they can swallow that meat knowing it came from such rare and (intelligent) and social creatures, especially when there is no much other dumber creatures to chose from, and the way they kill them, in front of their family members, I dont even want to imagine the kind of trauma it inflicts on these others witnessing it all, even for me its traumatic watching it, isnt it amazing that after all we have caused these creatures there are still some of those like this one who approaches humans recognizing we also are intelligent and thats why they are so gentle with us, I would argue these whales are more civilized than we are, it has to be it, they are better than us much better.
In Santa Barbra I used to row my dingy back and forth to shore, one time at first I thought it was a shark because it was bigger than the usual dolphins we are used to see, this one was two three times larger than the smaller dolphins and its fin was much sharper too, so I thought shit its a shark swing fast around my plastic dingy, if it even would touch my dingy with one of its fins that would have punctured it then you are in trouble, but it wasnt a shark, it was a dolphin of the bigger kind, and it was actually playing around me, at one point like this whale it showed its white belly to me, it turned upside down and showed its belly to me, you should see the smile on my face, you feel so very privileged when they do something out of the ordinary like that and its sign of intelligence, when they do that you have to treat them with same trust and kindness back, not hunt them in cold blood like some do, the newer generation should stop buying whale meat, there is plenty of fish eat that instead.
