Why has the UK outlawed Hamas? | Inside Story

To both Palestinians and Israelis !
Your chosen leaders are a reflection on you, what image do you Palestinians think you are sending to outside your own circles outside the Middle East when your resistance groups do stupid shit over and over again, because remember, if you want everlasting peace, this greater peace has to be accepted by people outside the Middle East as well, you need to convince them to be on your side and to help you achieve this peace you seek, your resistance groups like Hamas are NOT the ones who can bring you liberation, in fact the opposite of it is more true, they you can go on to say, you have no one else to choose from but the ones at play right now, so what can you do you might ask, to that question I say, you need to marginalize them to the point that they phase out, and the more marginalized they become, the less troubles like more skirmishes and wars will be brought to you by the Israelis who we know can do whatever they like with you and always come out victorious, you cant defeat them, its wishful thinking, your best chances is if the mollas together with all their affiliates make an effort but that is not also certain that will bring you the results you seek, so in either way you are fucked, sorry to say, only an intervention by God can save you, but the God I know seek justice for all His subjects, and from what we know, He only send help when people are proven themselves mature enough for the mercy to come, and from what I see, neither of you are mature enough for a solution to your problems, so you have to suffer and suffer and suffer some more till you get the point, God can wait you know, He is in no hurry, you better hurry, and again my understanding observing you both Jews and Palestinians is that, you will never get the point until you have caused a catastrophic ending, but you can prove all of us wrong anytime, because you still have time to realize that supporting criminal corrupt cults can just not be the way, you have no trust in God, you are anything but Godly if you ask me, I know you Palestinians very well, you are one fucked up people, it could be because you have been culturally dead for a such a long time but again its of your own doing, you are known to have half of your population ratting out the other half to your enemies for pennies on the dollar, I dont mean to embarrass by pointing to other short comings but the sooner you come in terms of reality on the ground nothing will improve for you, I say it again, the leaders you have chosen to represent you, are corrupt and worthless, you know what worthless means dont you ? they are good for nothing, nothing at all, but dont listen to me, continue run after their tail and see were it will lead you, it will lead you to where you have been for the past 80 years, you are running in a circle habibi. 
