Will world leaders act enough against catastrophic climate change?

I'll take great issue with the argument made by the speakers on the podium when they point to how climate change affects little coastline islands when hurricanes washes over them and destroyed everything in its path, yes its an issue but when you raise the cost of energy which leads to even higher living costs, what these leaders do not address is, how are these poor people going to rebuild after such disasters, we know they cant, and we are making it harder and harder for them to get back on their feets, I suggest we rise the cost of energy for those who could pay for it and at the same time relief burdens on the poor and the working class, otherwise there is no valid point in any to any of your arguments against climate change, if you continue this way only one thing will happen, you will lose the attention of the working class and you would have turned billions of people against you and everything else you preach to the masses, climate change with lower energy cost for the working class, say that and apply that then you will have our attention, otherwise you will fail, take my word for it, you will, the rich must do more, much more, it is after all YOU who drive this agenda with global warming, the working class they only want to make it through the day, while YOU want to safekeep what you have accumulated, the working class have nothing to lose to gain from your future plans, mainly what only concerns you, not the rest of us, look I could have been a billionaire and still said the same thing here, because I am not a hypocrite, so dont think I would change my mind in the future on these matters either, it is what it is, I am a product of your mistakes, and I turned up just sooo good, if I can say it myself, I am good with it.
Changes must be made, there is no other alternative, and the poor and the working class is NOT going to pay for your adventures, you need to change, and we can help you change, to better yourself, remember, we are the 99%, without us you wont get anything done, and if you want to get something positive done, you start at the bottom up, there is no other sustainable way, this is what is asked of you required from you, I am just offering you good advise, things that will work.
