2021: The year of the UFO

Hello friends ! :)
Missed me, I missed me, I missed me long long time baby, look I dont know for how long time I can stay online and if it interrupts in the middle of a sentence dont blame me, its tough times over here right now, I was going to tell you about the tic toc ufo I saw on my way here to Hawaii, I couldnt believe what I saw, it was remarkable, I am so glad I saw it so clearly, and they are fast I am telling you, here is the truth of it, I dont know if it was actually a tic toc ufo or one of those rods, it was either one of them, and it was I would say less than 100 meters away from me, or 150 meters not farther, but I would say something around 100 meters, at a 45 degrees I saw this object shoot into the sea, without making a splash, it was something between a whitish or something transparent but a bit more whitish, and it was a small object, something around 2 meters not much longer or smaller, and because it flew so fast it would actually been something around 1,5 meters but because of the high speed it would look a bit longer, but it it was a small object, it cant have had any living being inside it, I dont think any aliens are that small to fit in that object, it must have been a drone of a kind, but who knows, at the beginning of this trip I begged God to make things interesting and show me something and I am glad my request was once again answered, because of its speed and the small size of it, if it had dived into the sea out of my direct focus I would have missed it, couple of tens of degrees left or to the right, I couldnt have seen it, I was looking at that direction and thats where it flew into the water and not too far, as soon as I saw it diving a few milliseconds after I was expecting a splash and I waited for a second or two to see the splash and when I didnt see any my mind when to wondering what more is hidden right beneath me deep there under, I knew others were fully aware of I am being there, and thats a comforting feeling, because you know, if something happens you know somebody is watching observing it, for good or worse its a good feeling to know, its being recorded.  
