For you friends who likes to follow what went on during this trip and for you low life doubters who has to cast a dark shadow over everything I write and say, in my infinite wisdom I looked at the Pacific current patterns and found out why my boat wae s rocking left and right for a whole week after leaving beautiful Cabo San Lukas and snapped my lower shrowders on my mast, if you take a good look at where San Lukas is located, you see the two colliding currents one from the north and the other from the south, in those waters I saw something that didnt make any sense at the time, because from my starboard side one set of waves was pounding the boat and from my port side another, and this made the boat rock violently side to side, I am talking about 30 degree heeling to either side, and this violent rocking finally snapped one of my thick stainless shrowder, the boat should have taken it without breaking anything, it was my fault, I never tightened my shrower as it should have been done, I wanted to tighten it but they were too rusty and in order to do that I had to go up on the mast, dismantle the whole thing, heat it up with a torch crack the rust in it then to be able to loosen the screws, but I didnt have that luxury at the time so I took my chances and it went the way it did as you know, now I have replaced it with chains, old school, I am not taking more chances lol, but as you now can see, the waters a couple of hundred miles offshore San Lucas is very turbulent ones, if you are going to make the same trip as I did, now you know what is expected of you if you want to make it out of it in one piece, I was very lucky, no I wasnt, luck has nothing to do with it, the hand of God is upon me, He is keeping me alive, for a reason, and we all know what that reason is, and I also had company, I have posted pictures of my Mexican babe bird, the now famous Loco Chanel, beautiful chick, only if I understood bird language, bummer.

