Hello friends ! 

Now I finally have the time to write down in words what happened during this trip that was so nerve wrecking about it, it was definitely the most phycological and perhaps the most physically challenging trip so far, but then when I think about it, I find it hard to rank how dangerous this trip was compared to some other situations I had found myself in with respect to bad weather and rough seas, this one was definitely unique in itself, it wasnt much of a rough sea, average wind speeds I would say was about 13-20 knots not that bad, its not comfortable by any means but (if) the boat is holding up, you shouldnt be too worry about anything, but not in my case, in my case something always has to happen it looks like there is no escape from the challenges God places before you to see how you come out of it. The day I left Mexico a couple of days into it I had basically no winds, five or so knots and at night a big zero knots, so that the autopilot wasnt functioning keeping the course, I couldnt even keep a knot at nights, it was very frustrating and I knew already by that time this trip will be one of those ones, and so it continued for almost a week, but I had company, a real pretty lady decided to join me the day after I had left Mexico, I have a picture of her, in fact I have couple of pictures of her, she was extremely talk active and liked to show off each and every time she cached fish by flying real real close to me and shake her tail and this pretty lady believe it or not followed me from Mexico all the way to the shores of Hawaii, at nights she rested at the bow of a the boat, during day times she was just busy cleaning herself, thats all she did for hours at end, she even met other birds of her own race flew with them for a while then she right back to the boat, it was amazing watching it all play out, the reason I think it was a female is because in the world of birds the females are the ugly ones and those I saw of her own race, she was completely brown while the other had a large while belly, so I assume because it was prettier one it had to be the male and the ugly one must have been female, so I named her Loco Chanel, loco because she was Mexican and Chanel because it was a lady, and she also responded to me whistling to her, every time I did that she flew a bit closer, in fact it became a habit to whistle to her as if she was asking for it because she flew near to me and when I whistle to her she flew a bit closer and then took off again to go and try to catch those little flying fishes, and the way she went after them was locating them when they fly out of the water then she went diving after them, and I would say 30% of the time she got one and by God, every time she got one she got real close to me and showed off with pride, the way she companied me for thousands of miles I thought she would stay with me and on the boat for perhaps ever, but as soon as we came to the shores of Hawaii the bitch took off without saying goodbye or anything, or perhaps she did and I didnt catch that, I am sure some of you friends who are sailors yourselves sailing solo have played with the thought to have a tame bird pet that followed you everywhere, but I am telling you all, she was sent by God to keep me in good spirits, because I havent started to tell you what hell I went thought getting here, again it had nothing to do with rough seas, you see after a week intot the trip with basically no winds, thousand miles off Mexico, I was sailing from east to the west, 90 degrees, from east to west, I encountered the most turbulent waters I have ever experienced, the waves came from two sides, both from north east and south east and I was sailing from east to west, meaning basically these waves were colliding with each other constantly making my boat to rock left and right because it was getting hit not just from one side but from both sides, it rocked the boat so much so that one of the thick stainless wires that keep the mast in place from port side of the boat snapped, and I almost crapped my pants, I knew if this continues its gonna end up badly with me loosing my mast all together, because you have only this many wires to keep your mast in place, loosing one means the chances of losing the next is much greater, with less wires to keep the mast in place it increases the chances to loose another one, at this time, the brand new belt to my autopilot I had bought also snapped because it was working hard keeping the boat on course with it rocking left and right constantly, it was wearing it belt out, I didnt know when I bought the new belt that it was of substandard quality, the original ones have steel wiring this piece of crap had synthetic threads instead of steel wiring, my only option was to use the old one I had and so I did, but I was worried it woulnt hold together for rest of the trip, I was really worried about it, for a whole week the boat rocked and at the third week in to the trip another of the shrouders snapped to, now I only have two left to keep the mast from falling apart, and if you think I wasnt scared by this time, you are underestimating how I was feeling, and guess what happened next, the other belt for the autopilot also snapped,  now I have no autopilot either, now with over a thousand miles left to shore I have to and I have no choice by sitting behind the wheel 24-7, I have to stay awake for a whole week, with worries to lose the mast at any time too, I cant explain in words what that went though my mind at that time, the thing was that I couldnt reef down sails and let the boat just float for a moment for me to take a rest because then the boat would fall inbetween the waves and rock like HELL and that would definitely be the end of my keeping that mast in place, I had to ride the waves and whatever happens prevent the boat from rocking left and right, so I sat there behind the wheel 24-7 with minimum sails up, the main sail was down and i only kept 30% of the genoa up to keep the course with, I basically didnt eat anything for a week so that I wouldnt have to go to the bathroom leaving the wheel, I only went for the bathroom for the big one only once for over a period of a 6-7 days, only once, the whole body was shutting down, imagine sitting behind a wheel for a week and (only) keep your eyes on the compass too keep the course, lose your attention for less than ten seconds then you are off course and the sails will let you know about it, and this with not less than 15 knots winds, I have to say, when it blew stronger around 20 knots it gave me the adrenaline to stay more focused actually, it was survival mode, if you start to lose it then you are finished, and I knew if I lose the mast here in the middle of nowhere the winds will eventually take me south to Antarctica, what one doesnt do to reach the promised land and freedom, I have always said, ones you take the red pill, there is no turning back you have to go all the way, to whatever end, anyways, I will keep the rest of the story for my coming book that you should defiantly have a copy of when I am finished with that one too, because other other things happened too that I am not willing to speak of here at this point, ok I saw an UFO, I swear to God I did, I saw one of those tic tac ones.

Isnt she pretty, my Loco Chanel ?? :)
