Former cult member: Trump used techniques and tactics exactly the same a...

Deprogramming from a cult mentality is very easy, for true believers, this is more directed towards those who believe in a Higher Power, like God the Creator.
First step is to have the will to seek the truth the whole truth so help you God, this is the first step, next step is to put your trust in God and be good to (ALL) those around you in good faith, because who is the best of helpers except for God, right ?? if God see you follow the first fundamental steps commanded to us,  He will reach out and give you assistance, because as God has stated, He loves those who put their trust in Him, wouldnt you love those who put their trust in you ?? same thing with God, but on unlike the rest of us, He is the only One that can solve your problems and so very elegantly so.
And for you who do not believe in God, just follow the facts all the facts so help you the facts, and perhaps this will being you closer to the truth and put your mind at ease and be reasonable.

And another thing, dont ever get too attached to any leader, or you will get disappointed, because your dear leaders are NOT immune to not get influenced by the crooked ones, in fact they are the ones who get targeted before you get, so be aware, your dear leaders are flawed human being too, they are no angles or infallible ones, in fact the opposite is the truth, put your trust in God, and be good to all created by your Maker, treat creation with respect do that and you will have a good chance of making it out of it, do NOT follow the ways made to divide you all, thats my advice to you, good luck.
