'We will not rest until Iran is held accountable' - Trudeau on 2nd anniv...

As I have explained many times previously the passenger plane was shot down on purpose, the molla IRGC explanation was ridiculous tailor written for only the most ignorant masses who doesnt understand how SAM systems work, I dont know why they shot down the passenger plane but they did it on purpose, I personally believe they were trying to stop something from leaving molla territory (Iran), perhaps they someone on the plane perhaps some object or the mollas wanted to send a message to someone out there, either way what they did was mass murder, people of faith must know the mollas are NOT God fearing individuals, in fact far from it, they have been in cahoots with the most evil sinister forces around the world for a very very long time, for their own personal benefit, so dont think they are fighting evil of any kind, they are like any other criminal luciferian regime looking after its own wellbeing, well that wellbeing will not last for too long when people finally wake up and realize, Evil has taken ALL of us for a ride, lol, its true, look at this this way friends, you believers, you all know Evil is ruling the planet right now, for now that is, there is no institution of any kind Evil has not infiltrated, Scriptures tells us that, and if you have eyes to see, if you are honest and not a race worshiper not a nationalist not a religious fanatic who believes your particular faith has not been touched by Evil, if you are true to yourself you like myself wherever we see corruption we see the handy work of Evil there too, the molla regime is not excluded, they bent over to Evil from day one or even before that, I am talking to you so called believers right now, dont make this something between Iran and Israel, between Christianity vs Islam so on and so forth, look at it as there are good people in all these communities asking for the same God given rights, whats good for me is good for you, this is the true meaning of Scriptures, make this your first priorities, and if you fail to do that, know that you have fallen for the faulty arguments of those who are actively following the way of Evil, those I call the Luciferians, look friends, 90% of those who follow the way of Evil in their crooked minds believe they are doing the opposite, that they are doing the right thing, they have been made and convinced they are the ones who are the true believers, trust me I have met so many of them, what they dont know is they have been taken for a ride by the luciferians at the top, thats how they control the world, by manipulation, its that simple, the cure to it is even simpler, as I have said, look after your neighbors all of them because they are closer to you than Evil should be, do that in good faith and you have canceled Evils plots to divide the sons and daughters of Adam, but experience has shown, sons and daughters of Adam are just not that bright, scientific studies have shown around 20% of mankind are psychopaths, people you cant reason with, its a huge number, but its still better than the 33% of those who followed the Devil the Outcast and those from his species, our numbers look a bit better, perhaps the reason is because God breath of Hos soul in us and not in them, perhaps there is where the answer lays, so perhaps there is still something to look forward towards but it still doesnt look very bright, 20% can still bring the whole house down, it has done so in the past.
Again not all in the molla community are evil, it only takes 20% them to rotten to their core and you better believe that 20% are the hierarchy and the dumb and ignorant sheeple are doing their biddings, and I think thats the kind of numbers we see all around the world everywhere, are there any good leaders left, and how many stayed that way ?? we must find the answer to this riddle, do we have even at best 20% good leaders to counter the other 20% of the compromised ones, it remains to be seen, look you dont have to be a faithful God fearing leader to take a stand against what is corrupt and poisonous, just say no to corruption of any kind and you can consider yourself a truthful constructive leader, again it doesnt take must to stand on the good side, being conspiratorial requires much more efforts and eventually it wont lead anywhere but downwards and chaos, but the top Luciferians have been made to believe Hell is a place where one can still have pleasures if you are as evil as you can be here in this world, trust me, I have met real Luciferians, thats what they believe, they have been made to put their trust in the Devil instead of God, and they know by now, after all the evil deeds they have committed God would never accept them so they see no other way but continuing their wicked ways in hope of perhaps the Devil can do something for them in the next life.
Look the reason I say all this is because this is the bottom line of the ideology of nearly 10% of the masses, and 90% of the ruling class, so which one are you, will you remain true or will you sell your soul too for worldly gains, and trust me, even the worldly gains troublesome for them, trust me I know, something I will talk more about later, because God is watching closely and He is Most Just and we are in good hands, Amen :)
