Wolf of Wall Street: “Take Your Power Back With Crypto NOW”

Currency has to be based on something fundamental, so that inflation can be kept in check, you pro crypto folks have now found another way to make money out of speculation, the opposite of something fundamental, and mark my words, you are going to pay for it and hurt a whole lot of other innocent people with you, mainly the poor and the working class, but its worse than that, crypto is a trojan horse, like a termite, it will eat its way to the foundation of the structure and weaken it and finally collapse the house, but you pro crypto are for now too high too intoxicated to see where you are going, but dont take my word for it. And have you all noticed these pro crypto folks never ever mention a word about the negative aspects of crypto as if its flawless, is anything flawless but God, of course there are downsides with crypto too, but you never ever hear these people mention one single thing about it, as if it was God sent to save mankind, because thats what they are making it sound like, the perfect thing ever.
Crypto shouldnt be encouraged, its the handy work of the Devil, I am serious it is.
