Fraud in the Name of God! Rabbi Tovia Singer Exposes Paul in Powerful In...

I would go further than what the rabbi said, I would say Paul was an antichrist, possessed by a high level devil, look Christians like Muslims like Jews like many others read something but for some reason dont understand what they are reading because the earlier (programming) they have received over shadows what they read right before their eyes, like, in the New Testament its clearly stated that and I am paraphrasing, you can insult the son the holy spirit but if you insult the Father you (will) go to Hell, this tell you if you are not brainwashed that the Father is (GREATER) than the other two, that they are NOT the same, so on and so forth, but who are there to pay heed and listen and understand what they are reading, I suggest to my Christian friends is this, STOP listening to your priests your preachers your pastors, then do some research of how the New Testament came to being, who rote it, who those people were, learn what the early followers of the Christ had to criticize them of, like Paul, the family of Jesus hated him so much so that they called him the (enemy) of Jesus, you Christians need to know these things, and why did they call Paul this, learn about it and find out, dont blindly take the words of your pastors and your priests, and as you know, Christianity today, two third of is is based on what Paul had to lie about, Paul was an agent of the Devil, there is no other explanation, Paul contradicted EVERYTHING the Christ taught, and thats a fact.
