Whoopi Goldberg suspended from 'The View' after Holocaust comments l GMA

Just another word of (advice) to my Jewish friends here, so pay close attention, that would do you good. When you take to extremes and suspend a friend like Whoopi for not being perhaps 100% correct as you want it and punish her like that, you yourselves run the high risk of creating more sympathies for her (and) give fire to the real Jew haters, which Whoopi is not, you should have accepted her apologies and ended it right there, but unfortunately too many of you are just to stupid to know when to back off and by that you are creating more and more Jew haters, whats the matter with some of you, cant you see what harm you have created by not showing grace and tolerance towards those on the edge of not falling to hate you ?? the undecided sort of speak ?? extreme measures being harsh not accepting ones apologies gives birth to more of what you intended to eradicate, bring her back on as soon as you can and let it end there, it would be better for you.  
I do not subscribe to the idea that 6 million Jews were murdered, I believe the numbers were much lower than that, but it still doesnt matter if 6 million or 6 were murdered, humanity was murdered in those events by those racists and devil worshipers who thought they were better than others, so Whoopi was wrong on that count and she apologized for it and that should be enough, dont make it a bigger deal than you have created, thats my advice for you, take it it would do you good.
