Hello friends ! 

Today I wanted to make you acquaintance with a buddy of mine, a terrific guy he introduced himself as Mark Loco Polo, I dont know, my favorite birds before I met Albatroses were other birds, any other bird, these birds are incredible a real gift from God to people at sea, especially solo sailors, I have found out Albatroses are very intelligent, I mean it, they are very intelligent, you can see it in their eyes, they are very friendly birds, very tame very social they like to keep each other company and if you are lucky as I am, human beings too, I have done not much to observe these birds during my sailing, I have seen how they interact with one other as two birds or in groups, and with me too, because I am the luckiest guy in the world, thats how one feels when these amazing birds lands just next to you as I will show in pictures I have taken of one of them, this very special bird Marko Loco Polo, a few days after I left Hawaii Marko flew and landed on the boom of my boat, a meter above my head, I thought ohh bummer now he is going to shit all over my sail its gonna smell dead fish and leave stains, and sure thing he crapped over my sail once or twice, not more than that that evening, I didnt want to scare him off, I wanted him to take a good rest and take it easy right there where he was, in the morning he was gone, went on hunting and do what they do next evening he came back and this time he landed just inches from me, right on the sprayhood above the hatch, I could touch him if I wanted but them again I didnt want to scare him off, in the pictures taken you are going to see how close he was, he started to groom himself for a while then fell asleep, he even turned his back to me in full trust that everything is alright and went to sleep the way birds do, as you are going to see in the pictures taken, Marko kept me company for weeks, and you wont forget what he did before he left, one night right before he left I felt something falling right next to my feets behind the wheel, it was dark, I saw Marko hovering over my head, it couldnt be any other bird must have been him, what he dropped before my feets was huge flying fish he had cough, I have that in picture too, I have seen these birds catch flying birds so many times, my other companion Loco Chanel I saw her hunt days on end too, they catch half size flying fishes, this one Marko brought me was a bigly one, in the picture I am posting you are going to see the fish placed on the bottom of a 6 galon standard bucket as comparison, its a big fish, the head is dissolved in stomach acid because they birds swallow them with the head first, and what these birds do is when they have chicks bring back the fish they have swallowed and let them have it, Marko brought this gift to me for our time together, I am sure he liked the sound of the music played and he understood I was careful not to frighten him off, these birds are extraordinary, similar behavior is seen in domesticated cats, if they like you they go out hunt something in forms a little birds mousse and alike and bring it back to their owners, cats do that as sign of gratitude, if you thought cats are ungrateful selfish pricks you dont know cats, they are independent sure but they can also show gratitude by bringing something back to you, such are many animals, look at the first picture, these birds have huge claws like eagles, they are huge birds big as eagles, one day one of these tried to land somewhere on the boat but couldnt make up his mind where, the boat was rocking unstable and he couldnt decide where to land, so it tried over and over again, and the way it flew around the boat to make a new try looked like a jet fighter fly around an aircraft carrier for another try, it looks just like that its amazing, then he finally managed to find a spot at the bow of the boat, then another bird saw this and tried to land on a spot next to the first one, there were very little space to share, what was incredible for me to see is how the first bird tried to show the second one how to do it and shared his little space with it without any fight, another time a groups of these birds tired to find a spot to land on the spinicker boom, they tired for hours, there were more than plenty of room to land on but the boom is too thick for their feets to grab hold of it and with the boat rocking and making things just more difficult for them, they had such a hard time, I tired to keep the boat steady for them to have chance finally they all managed to land on the boom but they couldnt hold on for too long and flew away, I also saw whales getting inches from the boat, tens of them, the whole big family, the youngest ones were not allowed to get too  close, the teens where the boldest and got real close then the adults but because I couldnt leave the helm and interact with them after an hour they got bored and left, my first thought seeing the whales was, please please dont mess with my rudder and we all will get along just fine, just dont even touch the rudder and they didnt, killerwhales they can behave like hooligans and bang on your boat and hit the rudder, what you should do in these cases is to drop a cable into the water connect it to your inverter and run electricity in to the water and they will leave you be, otherwise they wont leave you alone if they are one of those rouge types that is, these are smart creatures, if they are looking to get your attention, they will, anyways, this is for this time around, peace in the neighborhood and please do what is in your power to end this deadly conflict between these two neighbors, thank you :) 

