Hello friends !

If you wondered what I do all day long this picture tells many stories, ok not just one story, the story is me sitting behind the wheel again all day long, its hot sitting under the sun for that long, when I stepped on land here in Guam and before I continue let me say a few good words about the native Guamians, actually absolutely wonderful people, there are a lot of aloha in these people unlike some others let me tell you that, the native Guamians are some of the nicest I have met, very polite very helpful very generous just good folks, nobody will be nuke them for as long as I live, they are totally innocent and this island must remain the way it is, and thats final, you wanna nuke places, choose another place not this place thank you, alright back to what I was about to talk about, sitting under the sun had the affect on me of like someone even a few days after arrival pinched me with needles all over my body and its hard to sleep like that, right now today I have been staying away of the sun and things are going back to normal again, btw you see those shoes on the right, its some old shoes I have that have good grip when I need to put on and run over on deck for some reason or when the weather changes for worse so I put them on for precaution just in case, I have sandals on otherwise, I have them shoes there to dry them from the rain that just past us, on the right I have my wind coat it should have been a rain coat but I dont have one so its the next best thing, its better than nothing, the reason I have these two both the shoes and the jacket so close is, and you wont believe it, the weather can change and I swear to God, in sometime in five to ten seconds, from calm to chaos, so I have to have them this close and because I dont have an autopilot I cant leave the wheel for more than a few seconds I have to have them close at hand, and it rains a couple of time a day, it actually rains a lot out there, when the rain continues for more than ten twenty minutes then I am fully soaked and its no fun then, the wind coat can cope with a few minutes of rain and thats about it but the good thing is, as soon as it has stopped raining the scorching sun appears and cook everything up again in no time, thats basically the view I have had when I am out there, I just sit there and because you dont have any fix points to steer at my eyes are constantly on the compass and thats what I do, the exiting times are when the birds show up and want to land somewhere on the boat, or watching them hunt for flying fish, there are flying fish that are not more than five centimeter long tiny little creatures and they land all over the boat and dry up in minutes under the sun, there are mainly Albatrosses out there but at times you see these much much smaller birds also out there thousands of miles from land and you wonder what do they feed on, its these very little tiny flying fishes, the Albatrosses catches the bigger ones, those smaller birds they never try to land on the boat, they are not too smart for it, well one or two times they have actually tried, one time one landed pretty close to me and I could see on its eyes how tired it was, it almost fainted and fell to sleep but you could see in his eyes how tired it was, it was telling you, please let me be to have some rest, just dont bother me for a little while, then after an hour it took off. At night when the sun goes down after having sitting there for 14-15 hours and its not like drying a car for 14 hours, where you sit comfortably behind a windshield shielded from the elements, sailing for 14 hours nonstop is ten times more demanding on you both physically mentally and emotionally trust me on that, but when the sun goes down, you are hungry and I lost a lot of weight, you take those shoes on with no harnest or anything because thats for pussies, you get up next to the mast reed down secure the sail praise God for nothing going wrong a couple of times, in fact you praise God a couple of time before you take on that maneuver, when the sail is down you run back inside the boat and because you have fallen between the waves its like sitting inside a rollercoaster you hold on for life trying to make something to eat, and trust me, thats when your survival animal instincts kicks in, because you try to swallow the food so quickly or risk loosing the plate it looks so primitive I have no words for it, once I had to look at myself in the mirror and I didnt recognized myself, my eyes were so wide opened I looked like a cave man who just had killed a grizzly bear like nothing had happened like you are in a situation where you are just trying to stay alive and in a way you are satisficed with yourself that hey you are still floating and there is still hope that you reach land in one piece, as I have said I had written tens of thousands of words and had to delete it all because its not suitable for you to read, it can be tough out there when things goes wrong thats all you need to know, I think only another sailor really knows what I am talking about so a big shout out to all sailors out there, we are one groups of crazy sons of bitches lol bye :) look I dont have a father nor a mother like the rest of you so saying I am a son of a bitch bites me nowhere, I just wanted to have that said and clarified, peace out.

End the war !!!
