Hello friends ! 

Before I start with telling you more about the things I saw during this trip let me make another appeal for our great world leaders especially those involved in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine NOT to close the doors for peace talks let the option stay open because its desperately needed. This conflict between these two countries is not like other wars between two nations from far away lands, this one is between two neighbors, in these cases the hard feelings between people this close to one another can unfortunately be a stain in relations for a very long long time to come, we dont want that, feelings has been hurt from both sides, with tens of thousands of deaths in a very short amount of time, the sooner it ends God willing less hard feelings will remain between two close neighbors, I do understand that no one on both sides wants to end this anytime soon, I hope I am wrong in this, I hope somewhere deep in the hearts of both these leaders they would want this to end but over many reasons no one wants to take the first initiative for talks over further driving the deadly war, I wished the leaders against Russia at this point insisted on bringing both Russia and Ukraine around ceasefire talks and to calm things down a bit, or other great world leaders more neutral could bring these two countries their leaders and diplomats to at least some kind of peace talks, I am sure if someone would be that brave and kind someone trusted by both parties could take the hands of both these leaders and have them and their people talk over prolonging the war, where civilians are the main victims here, lets stop with the name calling verbal bomb throwings on both sides for the sake of the people, is there such a leader out there ??? you sir must be out there, I am sure of it, maybe there are two of you or three of you or more, there are plenty of good world leader out there, how about President Xi, he has one of those kind faces anyone can get along with :) he could do it if he wanted, peace is on all our interest, President Biden could also do it if he wanted, the important thing is, this has been going on for too long, the whole thing came a shock to me, I just got on solid land and heard the war has been going on for 40 days already, how do you think I felt when I heard this, came as a complete shock, so the sooner this ends the sooner I can start chill again.

Now to another episode of Pacific Drift with Captain Outrageous sailing his Ark Solo to the Promised Land which he hasnt figured out where yet, and he doesnt need another credit so just chill dude.

These pictures I am about to post of myself something I rarely never do, I do because it has special significance for me and I want to share it with you, in this picture I have been at sea for two weeks or so and I have just been adjusted and accepted the situation of drifting during the night and sailing during the day, as you can see I have been sitting under the scorching sun where by then if I touched my face my skin hurts, but I have accepted the fate and live happily with it to the best of my ability, but that is not what I wanted to talk about here in this part of the letter, in this part I wanted to let you know what i witnessed with my own eyes, you see friends, before I set sail I always ask the Creator to make the voyage the most interesting of them all up top that point and boy He never disappoints, I never know what lessons He wants me to draw from what He is about to put me though and I never say I regretted asking for it, whatever that it might be, because when you ask for to make it most interesting and remember you ask it from the All Wise, you better trust His judgment on what is about to come, if you ask me if I am afraid to lose my life on the process, the answer is a solid no, I know He will bring me out alive out of whatever He is about to pull be through, I know its gonna be hard I know its gonna be my ultimate test but I know death is not the end result of it, at least not yet, then I think is this last test really the worst one I have been gone through, thinking back I recognize no its not, when I am honest with myself I remember I have been gone though even worse tests earlier ever though when you are inbetween difficulties at the time, you would think this has to be the most difficult thing up to that point, but when you think back, you know at least in my case, things are easing up a bit, I remember the first sailboat I bought, a 28 foot tiny one, I had zero sailing experience and to sail it down from Gotenborg Sweden to Malmo a 250 mile took me three weeks, now i do it in one and a half days lol, but it took me three weeks to do that distance, that one was harder than even this one, but I am not so sure to be honest, this one is right at the top three most difficult things I have done, but those three weeks with the smaller one I'll never forget, it was winter time, and in those latitudes its very cold at sea in winter times, then I recal what God has stated when He said, with hardship comes ease, He never said, after hardship comes ease and comfort, He said (with) hardships come ease and comfort, what this means is, first of all, hardship and ease are like twins, they dont go anywhere without the other, they always travel together, what it also means is, hardship is coded in the fabric of existence, but if you are lucky and deal your cards right, you might see some wonderful things too along the way, you can see this in the passages in the Holy Quran too, the longest chapters are at the beginning of the Book and by each chapter they get shorter and shorter till they are only a few short sentences long, but the longest chapters are at the beginning and thats how life is also constructed if you follow the basic logical teachings, first you work hard then you eat, got it ? All this also teaches you the true meaning of patience, which I will talk about some other time because right now I want to tell you what I saw with my own eyes :)

I swear to God Allmighty that everything I am about to say is true, and I swear that what I am about to tell you is not true may God curse me for eternity, so you better believe what I am about to say here is true.

You see friends, I am sailing from directly east to westwards, 270 degrees at all time from the east for weeks on end, so when I get up at night the sky with its stars are always at the same place I saw the night before, I look at the sky and the star because first of all there is nothing more beautiful, the sound of the ocean and the clear sky with the starts shining brightly and also, there is nothing else to do, one can actually see the Milky way clearly too, you guys on land have missed something you all should see at lease one in your lives, makes you reflect the awesome power of the Creator, so each night I see the same stars I see the Moon dissenting at the same place and the rise of the Sun from its usual place, every single night it all plays out the same over and over again, one night things played out differently, I saw a sun like object rising from south around 5am when the real sun should have risen from the east around 9am, according to my watch, this sun like object was much much larger than the regular sun too, but raised up around at the same speed the regular sun would have risen, the sky was crystal clean, perfect skies, but this object very reddish had some contours around it, I knew its not the sun, this is something else, I triple checked my compass and this one was getting up from the south not at east, I was watching it for twenty minutes straight, for every minute passed I got more convinced it wasnt the sun we are used to and I stood there and kept watching it, and when at one point I turned my head around to do attend to something else, the thing was just gone, one minute it was right there this big huge real big reddish object planetary like object next second it was gone, I waited and waited to see if it would show up again somehow and I never saw it again, next morning at the same time I looked at where it showed up and guess what I never saw it again, each and every morning I was looking at the same direction I saw this object once and never saw it again, while a couple of hours later also always at the same time and direction the regular sun came up and did its thing till it set around 10 pm, the object I saw over Atlantic this cone shaped bright object I was staring at it for 30 full seconds then it disappeared, this one I was watching for at least 20 full minutes, I dont think it as an alien object, I think it was something God was involved with because I dont think no aliens can project something that big, a planet like object looking like that at that distance, it looked like it was as far as the sun is or as far as the moon is, millions of miles away, that far, I dont think any aliens can make something like that happen, it has to be beyond them, I think it has to be something God or His angles can do, I saw something else too, I cant explain, but I can tell you what I saw, why dont you make sense of it, I can only tell you what I saw, the brightest star in the sky which always rises from the same place night after night always on time, its so bright it light the surface of the water more brightly than the moon itself, a day or two after I saw this sun like object, I saw it lose it light, as if something came inbetween it and dimmed the light reflected from it, I kept starring at it at that same direction then it slowly came to shine bright again, at first I thought it must have been a satellite of a sort, I knew it wasnt the International Space Station, that one I used to follow every night when I crossed the Atlantic, its also very bright but it moves fast, I believe it takes 90 minutes for it to orbit the earth, this one like a star rises from horizon goes up and up and then it just stays there and doesnt move anymore, and each before dawn its there doing the same thing, I thought it could be a man made object, I still dont know what it is what I can say is, at least one time the light of it slowly turned off then slowly came back on then off again then on again, I think it did that two or three times, these are things I saw, but the second sun thing, that one I am certain, it couldnt have been the sun, because it was located 90degrees off where the real one rises and the hour of when I saw it, it was pitch dark out there, at least 3-4 hours before even dawn, but it was there and I saw it and never saw it again, I so wished I saw it again because every single night I looked for it but nothing there.

I also had some very cool and interesting encounters with Albatrosses, I have pictures of some nice one, especially one very special I named Marko Loco, I'll tell you more about him at some other time God willing, peace out, make the conflict end, please do what you can, it will be considered a good deed that will come to count for something on the Day of Judgment for anyone that takes steps towards ending the suffering of other folks. 

