Hello friends !

I have to admit, I had wrote tens of thousands of words during this voyage from Hawaii to Guam where I am now, experiences that I now found too unpleasant for you to read so I have deleted it all and now trying to summarize in a much shorter version of what happened, in short it was a hellish experience to get from Hawaii to Guam, a distance that should have been taken around 20 days but took 40 days in my case, I am still the luckiest guy in the world, it started Feb 24 early morning when I set sail, I left in a bit of hurry I must admit, if there were no pressure on me I would have stayed and took care of another issue I had with the boat before departure, my autopilot, I didnt trust it and three days after I left Hawaii my nigh mare become true, by that time I had already covered around 400 miles from Hawaii and no way to return, no way at all, so I had to continue crossing the Pacific without an autopilot, you sailors do understand the gravity and the very serious implications of what that means, it means, one has to sit behind the helm and cannot leave it for five seconds till the time you reef down the sails to rest, and when you have reefed down the sail what happens next is that you start to drift and because you do not have forward motion your boat fall on the side inbetween the waves, its a rolercoster of a horror show like nothing else, you have to be there to see how it looks like, the boat start to rock violently left to right and every now and then a huge wave washes over the boat and if you dont have the hatch closed huge amount of salt water pours into the boat and in my case destroyed many electronics, made lot of damage that way, and it happened many times, if you saw my routines each morning around 6 am when I was forced to go outside in pitch darkness on top of the boat holding on for life while trying to reef up the sail to start the new day, again you had to be there to see the insanity of it, but you have no choice but to complete the task and get moving again, then the boat will stabilize and you then you are forced to sit behind the helm till the sun sets around 10pm, I steered at a minimum of 14-15 hours a day before I was about to collapse, I did quite a good distance during the days about 6,5-7 knots, but at night I steered off course for about 13-16 miles at a speed of 3 knots, at average in 24 hours I did around 3,5 knots, a lost everything I had gained during the night, bummer, on top of that for some reason I think it was the fourth day after leaving Hawaii my headsail got completely torn apart too, then I had only my head sail and you sailors know, you dont use your head sail down wind, you rather go with your headsail, what it does when you use your headsail in down wind its like placing the steering wheel from in front of your car move it to the center of your car and you can imagine how much more difficult it gets to steer and hold the course, it requires much more movement and corrections by your part to keep the course over if you had your steering wheels in front of the car, but because I had no headsail I was forced to use the absolute only sail I had left which was my mainsail sailing down wind. I have taken some pictures I wanted to share with you which I will post every now and then, in this picture I am still fresh and in good mood, I know there is much trouble ahead but I am not worned out yet which I will become later during the trip, in future pictures of mine I have lost a lot of weight, because you cant leave to eat or rest while the sun is up and you behind the wheel, I have seen things I want to share with you, some of you might not believe it but its all true, stay tuned for the next post :)

I have to say this too before I end this for today, Yesterday I learned about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, I was shocked and surprised that war had broken out, its a serious thing, with so many dead on both sides I learned, all I wish is for this not to escalate into something bigger, that would be catastrophic, I beg of both sides to lay down the arms and start talk things over, long standing neighbors dont go after one another in this way, its a tragedy, cities layed in ruins, civilians dead and wounded and displaced, who is going to rebuild all this damages done to them, nobody will come to their aid, and thats the tragic part of any war, innocent people come to pay the heaviest price, so please I beg of all leaders to think more of the innocent civilians and their future taken away from them which they are never going to get back, I have to be honest about one thing, every single time I set sail on a longer voyage I think to myself, is this the time when WW3 will break out while I am out here in the middle of nothingness unaware of what is happening around the world, will this time be it, the thought of it when I am out there is something that makes me reflect of the seriousness of in what shape we all are in at this moment in time for our species as men and daughters of Adam, I am convinced the Creator will unleash something so much more horrific on us as punishment for how bad we are treating the privilege of life He has bestowed upon us as this gift of life, I will talk more about it at some other time, right now I am both tired and very depressed, more depressed than usual, end this conflict !!! thank you.

