Hello friends ! 

I have some very juicy story to tell you about what has happened the last week or so, so much to tell, to start with I want to thank the Philippine authorities especially the Philippine Navy absolutely heroic guys, long story short I was (this) close getting kidnapped by Philippine version of ISIL and I mean (this) close, we are talking about something around half of hour or so before around 30 Philippine Navy seals armed to the teach with grenade launchers with amphibious boats landed and scared them off while engaging in shooting fight on the next island next door a couple of hours before resulting in three jihadis dead, this is worthy of a movie I am telling you, I am not sure I want to tell the whole story here perhaps I'll keep the best parts for my coming book or perhaps I'll tell you some more but I understate when I say things were most critical these past days, I also have to say the most culturally sophisticated community I have ever come by ever experienced was right here among some local folks on isolated fishing communities, I am not spilling the beans right now because I woulndt do them justice to in short sentences describe how wonderful people they are in contrast of perhaps 1% of them who has unfortunately been brainwashed by Wahabi Salafi ideology, but they are so few anyways but creating much discomfort and give these nice Philippino people bad news coverage, Philippine is a country where people of all faiths live in perfect harmony and honest to God, they should be a rolemodle for the rest of the world and I'll explain more later why, I dont have the time right now to go into all I have witnessed here and why they are some of the top cultures in the world, I wouldnt do them justice in short words but God willing in time we are going to elevate them for the people of the world to learn something from them, I know I have, Abrahamic faiths or any other sound faith is safe in their hands, in Philippino hands, and Philippine Navy their commanders their admiral their SEALs whom I have all met and taken plenty of pictures with are the top guys, may God protect them all, Amen.
