U.N. chief Guterres warns of 'ocean emergency'

Screw the fish, who needs fish while we have a bigger problem on our hands right now, due to floating plastic I got sucked in my cooling intake while I was motoring, my engine got over heated and blew my headgasket, never mind the fish the rise of ocean temperatures and everything else, what about us boaters man ?? lets talk about more important issues at hand right now, I am devastated, there is much fish in the sea but only one of me man, I am the endangered species here for Gods sake lol and also what about the floating fuel tank or whatever it was in that huge tank that I almost collided with, have you seen the movie All Is Lost with Robert Redford, I could have ended up like him in the movie if it wasnt for fact that I saw the floating tank that came less than 100 meters close to me, truth be told, I was interested to see what kind of fluid was inside the tank, but sailing solos it would be too much of an effort to try to get to it and see what was inside, it could have been plenty of diesel but who knows, so I continued sailing, but these things happens at sea one has to look out for nowadays, but the floating plastics are in many ways more dangerous and more costly, yes I have seen it with my own eyes, the oceans are out of shape and we have to educate people to keep it cleaner.
