Zap Uncle Joe !

Long time to words, whats happening bro, the word is you are going to Arabia, dont give them weapons and means to create more chaos in the neighborhood, tell them I said that, alright man, hope you have a safe trip, another thing, unlike other presidents, dont bow your head to receive the gold neckless Salam is about to offer you for photo ups, it wont look proper for a US president to be shown in that manner in the eyes of the world, I am counting on you Uncle Joe, just take the neckless and tellem to go and fuck themselves, a man of substance would never bow before Salman Da Ugly, and also, dont to the sword dance, so undignified, but I dont have to tell you all that, you know it yourself, trying to look after you bro, tack care now, peace in the Middle East !!!

And btw, what do you think of my own photo ups with the Philippine Navy, fuckin priceless, right ?? :)
