'Clown car of a debate': SE Cupp reacts to Arizona GOP debate

I have to throw this one in because I do cellulary believe what I am about to say about people like Sen Chaney and other politicians like her claiming if women would run the world we wouldnt have all these problems, I agree with the opposite of that statement, for me its clear that women are more of a yes sayers than men are under pressure, basically every single female elected officials we have seen has been the worst warmongers in politics, especially those of higher ranks, because they are told what to say and do and they do it so beautifully, I would say female politicians of higher ranks are the most loyal party members you can have in your mist, its like a sisterhood for them to stay loyal, and Sen Chaney with her family history will always been loyal to the hierarchy, she is NOT an independent and a free thinker, she is before anything a self serving politician, then you might say when she spoke up against her own party in this fashion would not serve her politically, she is trying to establish her reputation for the long term not in short term like these others she has spoken up against, this tell you she is smarter than you think of her, and when she say women would do a better job than men would, she is trying to appeal to the conservative female voters, strengthening her own position within the conservatives, its a good political move, but she is not sincere, if she may God forbid because president, except WW3 and WW4 and every other war she will be told to push for, I am honest about this other statement of mine here, I am glad President Trump got elected, because I believer we would have been at a major war right now, and I am also glad President Biden is elected now, a senior politician that I hope doesent take whats going on to the next level, and cause WW3, we dont want wars, we want peace we want harmony and we want all people to have a good life, so I am most glad that we dont have a female president right now, that much I can tell you, female presidents are for total peace times, when God willing everything is in order, sure I could vote for a female president under 75 kg or lets say 80kg maximum, not too big, just saying :):)    
