Wise Jew Thanks God for Christian CONVERTING to Islam! Rabbi Admits Muha...

10:46 Bill should be included in that list to, he is a hateful ignorant and a racist, he and Morgan, the fact that he blames a faith he does not want to know anything about yet goes on air and being this hateful should be condemned publicly, he should listen to these other learned Jews instead of goin on air and displaying his stupidity but what he doesnt understand is, he is contra productive but hateful ignorant people are like that, so I shouldnt complain too much. 
I do condemn what happen to Rushdie, even if I was the soul ruler of a country where Rushdie and people like Bill lived in, I would let him spew whatever these fools have to say and combated it with better information, thats how to combat hate and ignorance, I wouldnt have judged them for their thought but their actions, and this young disturbed or misguided punk who stabbed him, the punishment for him in my view is to under medical supervision stab him back and see if he likes it or not, but I guess Bill and Morgan would have had him beheaded if they got their way, because nothing good ever comes out of ignorant hatemongers.

And for my Christian friends watching this video, I know we have different ideas who Jesus was, the important thing is, we both believe in his virgin birth and his soon second coming, let us unite around that and let him sort the argument of who and what he is by himself, I am sure he would have strongly disagreed over people disputing or even take to hustle actions against each other, so let him have his say in his own words directly out of his own mouth for all to see and hear, thank you friends :) 

I also want to send my best to all friends out there, I'll be back :)
