Alex Jones was indeed right on many counts, is not that I wasnt agreeing on those topics, what i objected to is the topic of Zionism and the support for the unholy entity in the Holy Land knows as Israel, because all of us the movement of standing firmly against the Globalists and their version of the New World Order, we know this luciferian entity that has occupied the Holy Land is NOTHING but a military outpost of the Luciferians to sow conflict distrust and to divide people around the Holy Land for obvious reasons, Israel is nothing but a military base the Luciferians, and support for this Luciferian ideology contradicts everything those who say they oppose the Luciferian agenda, when one of the folks like Alex Jones went fully to support the Zionist movement with Trumps election that made me most disappointed at him, but it didnt mean he was wrong on other important topics, I also have to be honest and share some of the blame by not being patience with him by going hard on him, and he as stubborn as he his doubled down on the matter and here we are today.
I hereby wants to stend an olive branch to him and invite for closer friendship, like before, it was good times before, lets go back to how it used to be, because the world has changed for the worse, the Luciferian agenda is stronger and more active and the freedom fighters it feels like we have not done as well as we could, we share the same enemy, they are weakening us one by one while advancing forwards themselves, we still have plenty of time and opportunities to regain lost ground, and if we all recognize the humanity in all of us we have a very good chance to win the infowars and save as many souls as we can to please the Lord on this prison planet.
We can be stronger together, we just need to correct the short comings in each other in a polite and friendly manner like old friends do, no more infighting so help us God.
