Behind Bars: South Cotabato Jail, Philippines | World’s Toughest Prisons...

Watch this documentary so you have a better understanding of how the Philippine authorities run these facilities, after watching this you will get a better view on how lazy the Philippines are and how irresponsible they are as managers, the guards in this documentary and in Bicutan gulag are so lazy they dont want to do anything at all but "authorize" these so called trusties prisoners themselves to run the facilities for them just so that they can sit back and relax, relaxing is a trademark of the vast majority of Philippinos unfortunately and if you have been in Philippines you know what I mean, they are just lazy at the same time greedy as hell and if you combine the power of authority with these three trates you get a bad system that can ruin the lives of those in the hands of these people, which I have been an eye witness of myself, its bad I am telling you ad this is why I made a promise to those suffering in these facilities that if God gives me the means to expose these atrocities I will do my best to do so, because this is inhumane and you guys need to know the rist of this could be you if you travel to the Philippines, they put many traps for you and if you fall for any of them you are absolutely ruined and scared for life, I am NOT saying all Philippinos are this way I have met some truly wonderful people as well which I will later write about but their authorities and the criminals running them they are the ones you should be worried about but also some portion of their civilians as well, let me tell you something I heard time after time about, many foreigners I talked to, after talking about why they moved to the Philippines and why they stayed there, there was this gentleman who worked for an US based company that moved from the US to the Philippines with many of its staff moved with the company along with it, after 16 years the company moved back to the US for obvious reasons, because there is no legal protections and certainty in the Philippines for even foreign companies, after leaving the Philippines some of the staff after 16 years decided to stay behind because as usual they hooked up with a Philippino girl there, she got pregnant now you have two choices, either stay put where you are or take your whole family and move to in this case to the US where living expenses are much higher, so many chose to stay behind and make the best of the situation, I asked one of these guys about how he gets around town or from place to place, he and all these foreigners gave the same answer which surprised me, they told me all of them that they either take the local transport system which means these Jeep minibusses or taxi and I asked them why they dont just guy a car to drive around and all of them said, they refuse to drive their own cars because may God forbid if they get into a traffic accident with a local Philippino, the law is 100% always on their side, every single time, and when they get convicted for even the minor things they risk getting deported and they know the drill, they know they will end up a few years in Bicutan gulag, losing their lifes savings by being forced to bribe every single one in the system to finally getting deported after a few years, let me tell you guys how even a minor procedure works while you have been incarcerated there, you have the right to a charge sheet to learn what you have been accused of, and your case is officially starting after you get one, there are two ways of even getting a simple thing like that started, you either pay a minimum amount of 10 000 Pesos to the BI office directly which half of it goes to the special prosecutor or you wait between six months to years to even get your case reviewed, and thats just the absolute beginning of the process, after that you need to pay for each and every single bureaucracy step of the long long process that they make you go through, and unlike any other country that I know, the attorneys and the prosecutors are two opposing teams, in Philippines it works a bit differently, the lawyers and the BI office and the warden of the facilities and the high Commissioner are all in the same team to extract as much money from you as they can, in such cases if you have a good embassy thats your only way to having a chance of getting justice in Philippines, if you have a bad and not so caring embassy you are absolutely screwed, you are basically done with, you see my friends, Philippines doesnt have much of an industries to finance their bureaucracy, they have to finance it somehow, the Bureau of Immigration is one of these many profitable "industries" they have, and thats to trap foreigners there and extract money from them, I calculated in Bicutan gulag we were around 500 POT (prisoners of tourism) a new term I learned in Bicutan, anyways, there were 500 of us there, and on average we spent around 40 000 Pesos a month for even being able to sustain us, thats 20 million Pesos in profits that goes directly in the pockets of the warden the team leaders and the guards and not least most of the profits goes to the BI office in Manila and of course Bongbong gets his cut as well, because he is the one that appoint the Commissioner who appoints the Warden and so on, I will come back and talk more about all this but start watching this documentary first and may the grace and blessing of God be with you all.
