Canada's woke nightmare: A warning to the West | Documentary

Dont pity yourselves so much Canadians, you dont seems to have an idea whats going around the world especially in Scandinavian countries, Sweden is the leader of wokeism, even the right wingers are compared to you at far right of your liberals, and that says alot, you Canadians have no clue of what you are talking about, in the US and in Canada your right wingers are still mentioning God in your arguments but in Scandinavian countries like Sweden the right wingers are more athiests than your communists, Sweden has basically abolished cash from society altogether, one cannot pay with cash at most of the places, there are no banks you can withdraw cash from and the bank offices has closed down, with all these money saved by the banks these crooks has raised their fees as well, and on top of that by any payment with your card a couple of percentage goes to the bank, and all citys park benches are painted in rainbow colors and on many public buildings and inside offices as well, they are shoving it down peoples throats with this wokeism in Sweden, but I guess as long as you have healthcare you are willing to put up with anything, pathetic, and another thing, all public hospitals are run by these cult members, not kidding, its been infiltrated for longest of time, I am NOT saying Swedish people are bad or anything, I actually like them very much, but they are under a horrific spell.
