Charles Payne reviews GOP candidates' performance on economic policy

Nikki as VP ?? c mon you are not serious here

I have to agree with Vivek here on Taiwan too, my opinion around China and Taiwan is evolving too, I understand why warmongers like Pence and Nikki thought out soundbites like ' Vivek wants to hand over Taiwan to China to eat up' the truth is the vast majority of people out there are not educated on the topic after what the mainstream media has put in their minds, I am following it closely and for some time, I understand there are a large group of Taiwanese that are saying the US should stay out of this because the risk of all out war is great, and in the end they know they are going to lose and pay a heavy cost with family members falling dead when perhaps if they were left alone they would solve the situation themselves, I tend to agree with them, lets give them time to solve it themselves, its better for them this way, just like I in the case of the two Koreans back when President Trump was in office suggested to calm things down when things good heated, because after all its the Koreans that will pay the price of miscalculations when outsiders are egging them on, things could have gone nuclear and as resolt there would be no more south Korea left, who would want to see that, I wouldnt, so thanks to God the leaders of the two Koreans together with President Trump heard me out got the memo arranged a meeting and war was prevented and things got better as result of that, same thing should be done with respect to China and Taiwan I think, so I fully agree with Vivek on this one too, as I said, it looks to me that Vivek is the only adult in the room here, he is well adapted to vehicle the meaning of peace prosperity for those with an open mind to get the sense of what he is proposing, hear him out he makes a whole lot of sense the guy. 
