Dana Bash presses Vivek Ramaswamy on his Ukraine comments from debate

The only one that made any sense on stage was Vivek, I am starting to like the guy more and more, he is the most sensible of all these carrier politicians and frontmen and women for the global Luciferian war mongering criminals these Neo-conartists like Nikki Hell-ey, she is proven to be a traitor long side Pinscher Pence and Kentucky Fried CHICKEN Christie, these three dont have any credibility, with them they will bring you more wars and the costs with it and frankly closer to WW3, so I rather go with President Super Trump and Vivek Ram-sway-thee, I think you need new young blood outside the establishment stooges and Vivek is day by day being surprisingly refreshing to watch and I with him agreeing to pardon President Trump if getting convicted, in fact even back then when I opposed President Trumps presidency I stood firmly up against even impeaching him because I dont saw what good that would do other than pissing off half of the population so on and so forth, no need to do that, the day of the capitol riots of course it was wrong and I wrote and suggested he should very quickly and firmly tell his followers to go back home in peace and dont do anything out of order, I also suggested things could be said not to bring them out like that in the capitol to begin with because even I saw that first of all it wouldnt change anything on the ground except for the worse so why make such a move, but what was done was done but it would just make things much worse by trying to blame it all on President Trump and go after him like that, and trying to get him harder this time is something I wouldnt do and Vivek is pointing out the same reasons why, so I agree with him I think he is the most mature person on the stage and more calculated, these other candidates are after blood thats all, and they are stupid too, they know they have less than zero chance to win this thing but they are there only to prove their loyalty to the establishment above them, they are all yes men and women, they are NOT leaders in any sense of the meaning, they are there to follow orders, the only thing they are good for is to boss them around and tell them what to do and thats it, not to lead, Vivek is a leader with his 38 years of age, absolutely, so I would suggest this to President Super Trump, pick Vivek as your vice president he wont stab you in the back, when you win this coming election, I am gonna be there for you ;)
