Dr. Jordan Peterson on being forced into social media training: 'Unaccep...

The reason Canada is becoming more tyrannical day by day is like EU countries the citizens are not armed unlike the US, I still believe the US is our last hope to resist the Luciferian NWO, EU in my view is already lost, its a lost cause but its still not too late to resist, Canada is an extension of EU policies, east European nations who still are God fearing to some extend need to realize the danger they are in.
My understanding is this, God will only assist those nations those people who see the humanity in other humans, this does NOT mean open borders like the NWO agents are pushing, recognizing the humanity in others means, you need to respect and take advantage of all recourses including human recourses at hand, in other words, all peoples of faith need to reach out with a helping hand to restore law and order with respect for one another and this is the way to resist, because there is no more threatening power than unity among all peoples of faith against the NWO thugs, nationalism is not the answer, nationalism leads to extreme views that leads to racism and this in turn leads to all kinds of troubles and then you are at square one again with divisions all over the place and this benefits no one but the Luciferians, love for ones culture ones native language ones works of arts and many achievements all these was the reason God divided us in many groups, so as you see it was a beautiful thing god did, this is what the Creator wanted us to see, that we are all unique and able to do great things but one hand alone makes no sound recognizing the humanity in your neighbor and work towards what is sustainable and what is good is the way to finally defeat these criminals.
