Hello friends !

I have to say this again, Alex Jones was and is right again, I am also announcing that I am going back to my old self meaning pre 2015, and if you have followed me for some time you know what I mean, back to the times when Alex Jones was my favorit guy, truth be told when it comes to the resisting the global tyranny we are currently under the man is RIGHT, he and Dr David Icke are some of the very few that dared mentioning names, not all names but enough to earn their places as leaders of the resistance and for this they have been banned al over the place, there are other freedom fighters in the alternative media sphere that are doing a great job as well but I restrain myself to mention names not to bring more heat on them than they already have, the elite members of the Resistance are many which is very encouraging but it has to grow larger, for this reason I beg of all readers to put your differences aside, do not attack one another over minor issues but recognize the fact that, only together we with Gods help bring sense to this world we are all living in, each and every one of you are priceless in this fight for justice for all men women and the children these Luciferians are targeting openly, many things has changed rapidly for the worse since 2015 and it will only get worse by the coming years to come, this is expected, the Luciferians will speed up their plans for total world tyranny because they know their time to implement their satanic plans are short, A cashless society is already upon us and its spreading, this is how it starts, next is digital currency which I know many of you friends are under illusion of freeing ourselves from their central command structures, I believe you are committing a huge mistake, in time the Luciferians will not only ban these digital currencies but making it illegal as well except their own, and with anything digital these days, you always leave a digital trail behind which can be traced back to you, and they will have other means to punish you too. One way of opposing this is to cast your votes ONLY to those who stand against it, which will be very few, this should open your eyes to the fact that only 1% of your elected officials are real humans not traitorous bloodsucking vampires, another way to oppose these criminals in suits is to oppose all their institutions, all of it ! because Satan is controlling the heads of all these snakes running these institutions, dont think they are not under influence of Evil, they are little satans themselves, because they have sold the rest of mankind for the worldly promises of this interdimensional evil being we call Satan or Shaitan, Satan actually comes from the word shaitan which means devil, it doesnt mean adversary like the old testament claims, the word is much older than that book trust me on this, the fact of the matter is, God the Creator is real and Eblis which is the devils real name is also real, something that has to be added good for you to know is this, Eblis was NOT created when the world was created, the Universe, he is a relatively new creation too, 20 000-40 000 years ago or so, but he is real and he is among us on this planet right now, he knows he is going to be send for getting his but handed to him and as the bad looser he is he wants to bring every single of us down with him, but if we all recognize the danger of the plots placed before us and his other human and other Jinn devils we can navigate around it and save not only ourselves but as many others of sons and daughters of Adam as well, this is the mission of a Believer, if you believe what I said is reality and if you are a warrior and not a coward and if you also can see the humanity in your neighbor and fellow mankind then you are welcome to make efforts to turn this mess around, as I said, with regards to myself, I intend to go back to my old self enough is enough hell with these poisoners vaccines their cashless society their institutions their wars their killings and everything else they stands for, I am not playing along, neither should you, you should be part of the resistance ! good luck
