George Soros: Evil Puppet Master Or Humanitarian?

2:40 One wonders why Israeli media or any influential diaspora Jews in the main stream media never ever mention what Soros (Sauron the dark lord) admitted like a psychopathy rat he is admitted in the clip, and now he think he is a god too. The reason I call these monkeys luciferian you know why, they serve the Devil stupid, its NOT a joke, they are devilworshipers, I serve the one and true God, the Creator of their dark lord the Devil, so I think I am in good hands :)   
Because I know the belief of the Luciferians and what they put their trust in, they are under the illusion that after death they yes will be sent to Hell, but they are made to believe Hell is not such a bad place anyway, their philosophy as many of you friends have heard is, rather rule in Hell than serve in Paradise, they also know Hell is a chaotic place but they think because of their chaotic personality they will be able to adapt quickly and because they have served their master Eblis they will have some kind of higher position in Hell where they will dwell forever and everything will be fine, they dont seems to understand one thing even though they know the power of the Creator and if you cross Him, He has the power to make life miserable for you but their satanic scriptures one is the Talmud where it is stated that the Creator is basically a passive force not fully conscience and dont care much so they can feel free to whatever you want so there is nothing to worry about, the Talmud also teaches that there is no Hell, Paradise exist but Hell doesnt, the Jewish Torah also say that, jews dont believe in Hell, they believe in Paradise though, imagine growing up in a "religious" household where you believe in only rewards and no consequences how will this affect the mindset of a child and a people, that God chose your race to do whatever you want and no matter what you do in life afterwards you will still turn out alright and rewarded with the highest prize Paradise, this is what the Talmud teaches, this is what Kabala teaches, all these luciferians are taught from the Kabala, dont say I am wrong then you are a liar.

Serve the Creator which is aware of everything happening in His creation, fear Him, fear is a defense mekanism which can safe your life, it makes you think twice before you act that can come to cost you, God said He will fill Hell with all of those who follow Eblis, there you will be in constant pain, I hope you understand what constant pain mean, turn back from your wickedness repent turn to your Maker, pray He leads you towards the right path and hope He will show you mercy, if He assists you, you will notice and be protected, let Him work through you, He is closer to you than you can ever realize, He is the All Powerful All Knowing and unlike the Talmud and Kabala teaches, He is also the All Wise.
