Germany's stand on China's actions in West PH Sea | The Final Word

I understand why spoiled bratts like yourself mr ambassador who has never been through any difficulties the rest of us regular civilians are being put through say after your first week in Philippines how nice they are and how well you have been treated, let me ask you as a person of privilege born to all kinds of advantages, have you ever been insulted personally having your human rights mistreated by corrupt elected officials, have you had corrupt officials spitting in your face, of course you have not, and as ambassador to Philippines they will lick your balls left and right, you and people like you are so out of touch from reality on the ground you have no right to represent anyone but those who selected you to get your balls massaged by these media prostitutes, I witnessed your own elderly German citizens being tortured to almost death by the hands of these whom you say have been treating you personally so good, I even posted pictures of a German elderly man In Bicutan immigration gulag who this facility didnt even want to spend a few dollars getting him antibiotics unless someone like me takes pictures of the condition of these detainees post on the Internet to get some traction to hopefully save the mans life, what did your embassy staff do, I know for a fact this sick elderly German citizen was in contact with your office, not even your own office provided him with antibiotics, worth a couple of damn dollars you asshole, the problem with the world is out of touch heartless monkeys like you, all you care about is to serve your overlords, fuck you and all those like you, fuck you all, hell with you all, and all these media prostitutes in Philippines are like shameless beggars, keeping their hands out always asking for something to be given to them, while they torture our citizens in their custody and you say nothing anout it.

Let me inform you readers of one topic no one from the Philippines are not talking about, the Duterte drug war, Duterte send his thugs to ONLY kill the opposition drug dealers so he could take over the drug trade for himself, thats what it was all about and nothing else, that little rat Duterte didnt become a billioner for nothing, he is the new drug kingpin of Philippines right now, he controls the drug trade right now, this they wont tell you.

Listen here dear readers, there are a couple of cartels controlling Philippines right now, one is the BI the Bureau of Immigration, take it cool I'll tell you why, second is the police cartel, they control the airport and the massive amount of income from that place, again chill I'll tell you why soon, and you have the families who control the drug trade and other industries, and the military is there to serve them all, thats Philippines in a nutshell for you, I have told you, its a criminal lawless pirate island state, but stay calm because I have much to unleash on the matter in the future, I am NOT done by any means with the authorities there, I have much to reveal and inform you about, and if I were you, I wouldnt invest a penny on that island, in fact leave those Islands if you knew whats coming their way, dont let your eyes fool you with cheap whores and homosexuals all over the place, did you know that Philippines is the Nr one destination for all the pedophiles around the world, the reason its like this is because the Philippine mentality would allow anything even the most nasty crap just so money can get in and they turn a blind eye for everything nasty, again I have much to say, but I intend to take it slow for you to be able to digest and process it all, Philippines is a God forsaken islands, trust me on this, of course there are very good people too, dont take me wrong, but the truly good people are less than 10% of them, and I think the good guys are either in prison or given up because evil corruption is the name of the game there, its a lawless place.
If I could be of assistance to the good guys there turning things around there I would be of service, and I also want to say this to the anti government movement in the south and other places, do NOT under any circumstances give up your fire arms to the central government, you are making a huge mistake, dont do it keep it.

I have evidence videos where the central government and its military in what looks to be southern Philippines are airdropping weapons from helicopters to rebels in the jungle for the rebels to pick the AK 47s up and attack the Philippine military installations with for the army to have a reason now to fully raid towns in the south and kill anyone in sight, I have been shown the videos myself and in time I will post the videos for you to make up your own mind of how dirty the central government cartel with people like Bongbong and Duterte and his daughter along with others really are, when I say corruption you have no idea yet what I am talking about, its bad over there, they need to be expossed and I need your help doing just that, its for a good cause my friends you need to stand with those who are trying to make a difference here not turning a blind eye to corruption, only the truth will release us never forget that, get to work, good luck.
