Hello friends !
In these two pictures you can see so called illegal gambling going on in Bicutan gulag immigration center, dont laugh at the irony I am about to expose but instead help me out with putting an end to the massive amount of both corruption and hypocrisy of the authorities in Phillipines, I more than anyone else need YOU honest good hearted Philippinos who want to do something about these corrupt and destructive elected leaders of yours, by shedding light on all these crimes and by embarrassing and shame them into submission you have dont your people and nation a great favor, so dont look at me as someone bad will ill intentions, I simply am against corruption something that I have a hard time with, on a personal level, so I am going to help you Philippinos help yourselves, because although I know 85% of you approve of your elected officials whatever they are doing, there are still 15% of you who know better, so its now up to you to do your part even though I know you live in a country under a regime who will target you for assassination and other types of persecutions.
So whats the deal with these gambling business going on in Bicutan gulag immigration center, as most of you know illegal gambling is illegal in the Philippines, but in the neighboring countries like China and south Korea is a total ban, which I fully support, and the reason these countries have banned gambling are they have seen the negative affects it causes, but Philippines which as I said is a island nation run by a bunch of pirates has not banned it, its legal as long as the state gets its cut, so all the Chinese and south Koreans and others move to Philippines to feed their addiction and Philippines is happy with this, but sometimes over bureaucratic reasons the authorities arrest these gamblers in mass and thrown them in gulags like Bicutan all over the Philippines and keep them there for extra long time because of what you see in these pictures I have posted, the warden of these immigration gulags allow them to continue their gambling inside as long as they get their cuts, thats all it is about, and these gamblers are all high stake gamblers, I have seen millions of Pesos change hands in hours there, I am NOT kidding, one can only imagine how millions of Pesos get inside the facility to begin with, but of course I told you how, so gambling is illegal outside but NOT inside these government controlled facilities, I told you dont laugh at the ironi because what you are seeing here is corruption telling you right in your face, screw you all, we are corrupt and its nothing you can do about it.
And these are the ones who hold your love ones for years on end in these terrible conditions, you see my friends, back in the days pirates like Bongbong and Duterte would kidnap you if you get too close to their islands enslave you and force you to work for free for them, today they cant do it anymore what they do instead is to entrap you in all the ways they can put you in these immigration gulag centers and milk you like a cow till you have nothing left to give and if you are lucky they will release you after a couple of years, this is Philippines for you my friends.
This is what Bongbong represents.

 Btw, with regards to these casinos in Bicutan, 5% of each hand played goes directly in the coffins of warden which he shares with Commissioner Norman the team leaders and the guards, 5% of millions of Pesos a day is a whole lot of money, and the warden also sell beds to those who can pay for it and for the really rich inmates they can buy their own rooms with aircons and so much more, I will soon post more evidence to back up my claims.

