Hello friends !

This is what we had to deal with on daily basis in Philippines Bicutan immigration gulag center, I am sorry if any of you had to spend even a night in a filthy to be forced to sleep on a dirty madrass among bedbugs and insects, I wouldnt want any innocent person to spend a moment in such inhumane hellholes, but we in Bicutan had to sleep where bedbugs were eating our skin, this alone is torture but we had to constantly worry about the huge spiders and snakes and rats and mice running over your body constantly, those rats were so emboldened it was funny, they used to fight among each other right over our madrassas at night I am not kidding, I dont know how many times I woke up with a mice inches from my face, the rats used to run over us, a funny story, some of us used insect nets around our madrassas, its not always a good idea cuz at times when the rats were chasing and fighting each other they could crawl under the net around your madrass two of them and not being able to escape while you are sleeping and I have seen guys panicking trapped with two rats next to him, with the guy screaming and jumping in the middle of the night it was funny to watch, so its not always a good idea to have these insect nets around you and it cant keep the bedbugs out either, so I and most of them after seeing guys panicking like that took our chances and slept without it, one guy got bitten around his eyes by a rat and the warden provided nothing to stop the inflammation, the guy somehow got his hands of medicine from outside and mind me remind you that Uncle Tom Conrad had to be paid to let in the medicine, all with the blessing of the warden and the teamleaders, then we had to worry about the snakes you see in the video too on top of it all, the guy handling the snake is one of the two so called trusties, a tree times accused and twice convicted pedophile from NewZeeland Alan James Linton, he and Conrad are the ones the Warden has in charge of the whole gulag, a pedophile and a murderer of five individuals this Conrad, what I am telling you is absolutely true, these two are running the place because these Philippino staff are so damn lazy they do nothing but eat and watch videos on their phones all day long, and if you need them to do their jobs you have to pay them to move their butts.

I have videos where they take bribes from inmates which I will post soon for you all to see with your own eyes, I also have video where people are catching and eat the rats and these snakes, you wont believe me when I say Alan even sell these snakes for people to eat, I mean anything goes in Philippines Bicutan immigration center, and you western leaders invite Bong Bong and shake his hands and treat him not like the snake he is but as a human being ?? hell with you all, may you all go to Hell, your satanic institutions must be brought down, and it will rest assured of that you corrupt little devils you are, you should be locked up in Philippine among these rats not human beings.
