Hello friends ! 
Today I want to draw your attention to subject matter that if you were me my friends in Bicutan gulag or any of the relatives of friends of ours in that hellhole this issue that I am bringing to light here would boil your blood, look to be honest straight medically my blood pressure gets to dangerously high level for me to have to talk about this issue because it feels that I am helpless and cant do what is necessary to change some of the evil practices supported by warden Leander Catalo and the team leaders appointed by this satanic individual, this slave trader and I'll tell you why and equally important dont ever forget the face and the name of this Uncle Tom you see in the picture CONRAD PEACHSON, an individual who is wanted in his own country and been convicted of five murders, a ruthless killer.
As you have seen in the documentary I posted about how prisons are run in Philippines, you learned the Philippinos are extremely lazy, they even let the prisoners run the prisons with these so called "trusties" like you saw in the documentary.
This practice is done for several reasons, one major reason is, in this way these so called trusties run the whole prison and I mean everything in it and they can extort money from the prisoners, anything from taxing the inhouse stores to selling or renting out better accommodations to those who can pay and in Bicutan we are talking BIG MONEY ! to also and this one makes my blood boil, that is to even tax medication who the detainees themselves are paying to get in the gulags, the trusties even tax this too, they even force people that are in desperate need of medicines to pay double or many times depending on the medication triple or higher and again we are talking about big profits for these so called trusties like Conrad Peachson and the other trusty another wanted monster from New Zeeland, a three times accused and twice convicted pedophile AKA Kiwi, these two have been trusted by warden Leander Catalo to fully and I mean totally run Bicutan immigration gulag, and as for reward and payment for their so called troubles they have of course privileges, Conrad has been given the rights to tax the medicine of the detainees and he is really sadistic about it that sick piece of crap, if he likes you if you are lucky he might provide you your very much needed mediacies in time or he let you run after him and wait for weeks or you have to pay him a so called extra fee to please him for him to get you your medicine in time, and because he knows you are going to stay there most likely for years he is patience with you, he knows you need him and you eventually will give in and kiss his ass, and he has been given absolute authority by Warden Leander Catalo and his team leaders, you folks have no idea how much harm he has caused the sick and the needy there to profit his own pockets, and quess what, he has been cleared to leave Philippines years ago, he has been in Bicutan for seven years, but he doesnt want to leave because in his age outside he has absolutely nothing to fall back on but in Bicutan he has a position of authority and makes good money, he is in charge of many other sources of income there, you see its hot as hell in Bicutan and aircons are not allowed so those who can pay for it and there are more than plenty, they can buy tons of ice from outside and make their own so called icecons to cool their rooms, we are talking about twice a day with 200 ice bags coming from outside each day, thats 400 ice bags a day and Conrad has been the privilege to make a percentage of that too and rest of the profits goes to warden Leander and the guards which does absolutely nothing but sitting in their cooled down rooms and chill all day longs, I swear to God, even the food they eat the rick inmates which again are many who like to suck up to the guards buy their daily foods and drinks just so if the inmates want a new cellphone or alcohol the guards can bring it for them, and I am telling you, I have seen drugs alcohol and even prostitutes there, the disgusting thing was I saw the prostitutes go from one room to the room next door after the previous guys were finished with her, you can get anything there as long as you pay warden Leander Catalo and his team leaders, these prostitutes and many other things doesnt bother me as much as Uncle Toms likes Conrad Peachson making profits from the sick and needy of medical attention, this one makes me want to hang him if I could and go to sleep much easier knowing that piece of shit has been sent to hell so that he cant torture others by selling them the medicine they need for double or triple the price, and you need to know this too friends, the inmates are already getting robbed there by having to buy their own very expensive foods, paying corrupt lawyers imbedded with warden Leander and Commissioner NormanTansingco who all get their cuts from the major profits made from the suffering from the detainees in Bicutan, this is how inhuman these slave traders are, but because people like Conrad is so good at running the facility warden Leander and his teamleaders are allowing Conrad and Allan to run the whole thing because they are just too lazy to take things in their own hands, but there are other reason warden Leander let these trusties to run the place, that is if something goes wrong they can always say they had noting to do with it, so they can just sit back relax and have all the money enrich them, I am telling you friends, this job of being appointed warden for Bicutan is a dream job for anyone commissioner Norman appoints, you need to understand this, its easy street and on top of it the warden makes more money in one month than he would do in two years somewhere else.
I dont mean to make this too long but let me end with this, if you have family members in Bicutan suffering one monster above all others is responsible for it and that person is Conrad Peachson, do whatever you want with him its justified just dont let him get away with what he has caused, he is a soulless monster and as I have said he has murdered many people five from he has been accused of, I am sure if there are still any honest Philippino journalist left in that country they can assure you what I stated here is the truth or if your spouse is there locked up you can try to find out yourselves that I am telling you the truth, this man needs to be stopped by making money of the weak the sick and those in need of affordable medicine which the facility that so called responsible for you has to provide these medicine specially when they are the ones who has locked you up for years in those filthy unsanitary shithole of a place to begin with, but not only whenever you go to their wicked sadistic nurses they always reply back to you no matter what diseases you are suffering from to drink more water, thats what they tell you instead of providing you with the basics of medicines you need, and so many have died which I am coming back later to inform you all more about, but for now you have this Uncle Tom Conrad Peachson and his underboss Allan James Linton to worry about, and look what kind of monsters warden Leander what kind of compromised evil criminals he lets be the decisionmakers and run the place of 500 people over of, this should tell you everything you need about warden Leander Catalo that piece of shit, may he have no rest in Hellfire for what he has caused.
Dont let Conrad and Allan AKA Kiwi get away with this.

