Here is a photo of lets call him Wang that tried to take his life, but he was preventes thank God, the living conditions for these old folks is extra hard compared to the younger guys, the elderly can not take the pressure like they used to when they were younger physically and mentally stronger, these elders have their grand children and their own children to think of and while you wait for your release time that you are never told and when you see people stay there for years upon end, only negative thoughts cross your mind and you eat yourself from inside till the point that either the place takes your life or you do it on your won, since I was there three again elderly folks died out of heart attack, one of the cases was this elderly Israeli Arab man his name was Abu Khalil, a sweet sweet man from the US who liked to ride his bike, I liked him alot, and you wont believe how quickly the stress of being in Bicutan gulag took its toll on him and finally he collapsed and died, I thank God that I wasnt there to see him collapse, I heard it a few moments later, I'll show pictures of him another time.

We have to come to their rescue because people as we are speaking are suffering in the hands of Bongbong and his pirate buddies, may he go to hell and suffer or all eternity thats what I wish him and warden Leander and Commissioner Norman and the evil team leaders at Bicutan gulag immigration center, these people have destroyed many homes many families just so they can extract a little bit of money from them, lives are cheap in Philippines, but not our lives, they made a huge mistake messing with us, there will be payback, I will promise this, for all the foreign souls trapped there, evil like that cannot be allowed to do as their please, thats for damn sure, slave traders must have a price on their heads, I dont give a damn if the US or anyone else is backing these criminals, in this day of age crimes like this has to be consequences for, my friends are still there suffering not knowing when Bongbong will have them reunite with their families, hell with you Bongbong and the rest of you, fuck you all, you animals, your worth in my eyes is less than any of Gods creatures on Earth, I cant express how much I hate you.

