In the Beginning: How did Monotheism Begin? —Rabbi Tovia Singer

I like rabbi Tovia but some times he just goes of rail and say things that either only he himself believe or he on purpose dont want to mention for some reason, like many many other Jews they think the world was created and was and still revolve around them, they even named their religion after a (tribe) of Hebrews, Judaism, after the tribe of Juda, after a man, they named their religion after a man, same thing can be said about many other religions as well like Christianity, after the son of virgin Mary, when we know Jesus stated he came to uphold to confirm the Torah (the true one) and the reason I say the true one I'll give you an example and pay attention friends, I am NOT saying my faith says this and yours says another thing and therefor mine is true and yours is not, thats not what I am saying, instead without distorting anything I go back to one of the stories in the Torah and you be the judge of the validity of the story. In the current Torah we have the story of Prophet Lot is a good example to point to, and again you be the judge of it makes any sense to you or not, the story goes to say, Prophet Lot was told to leave town because God was about to level it with the ground, Prophet Lot did as told left town in (hurry) with his two daughters to the top on an hill and say his town burn down, with nothing left to go back to he and his two daughters went to stay in a cave for some time, again these three left in a hurry ! meaning they couldnt bring much with them only the things they could carry on their backs, in the cave prophet according to the Torah got drunk, so drunk that his daughters said to each other, because their fathers blood line was wiped out, why dont we do all of us a favor while he is constantly drunk go and have sex with him to bear his children to preserve the blood line, and so they did according to the Torah, my question is this, first of all, was wine the most important item to carry with them while forced to leave town or didnt have anything more life saving to carry with them for example (water) or more foods, but wine of all things ?? I dont think so, but lets continue, how can a man be so drunk in a cave be so get an erektion to be able to preform whatever the Torah is suggesting with any woman let alone with his own daughters, in a cave, its not like there are all these women around him in the cave that he mistook his own daughters with other females, his own two daughters, I bet my head that this story is a fiction of the imagination of someone very wicked whomever wrote this nonsense, but you be the judge of if its true or not, and there are many other nonsensical stories in the Torah which these rabbis claim is word for word the word of God, and many Christians follow suit too, but you believe what you want I dont care, but I do very much care about the truth, because God said He despises one type of human beings, those He gave eyes to see but chose to remain blind, those who He gave ears to hear but rather stay deaf and those who He gave the ability to reason but dont use it, these kinds of humans He hates, thats what He said, I chose to use my reason, and I dont have to compare my holy book with anyones, I read these texts in this case from the current Torah and my reason say the story is a fabrication, you see my friends this story with what happened after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and what is suggested in the Torah around the acts of inbreathing and craziness, then the Torah goes on to say the consequences of insest and the offsprings of this wicked act are the people of so and so and Moabites and they are all of course according to the Torah all a bunch of inbreeds and evil to this day, and the Jews of today look down on these people, thats why I object to the notion the Jews even their rabbis spew in this case with rabbi Tovia when he making himself look like a fool when he says, the Jews were the first monotheist, when we know God from the days of Prophet Adam continued to send prophets with the message of monotheism, like I'll give you a clear example to disprove Tovia, Zoroastrians over more than thousands years before even Prophet Abraham may peace and blessings be upon him was a very well established monotheistic religion, in fact the Hebrews the descendants of Abraham learned about monotheism they in fact lived with these monotheists but refused to step out of their paganism, the Jews today they are so special because God sent a few prophets and messengers to them, the Jews still dont want to recognize the fact that the reason God sent so many prophets and messengers to them was because the Jews either killed them or persecuted them, they even mentally tortured Prophet Moses to the point that he was going crazy on them, another such example, after all the miracles the Jews say after Prophet Moses freed them from the king of Egypt Ramesses, he wasnt a pharaoh but the king of Egypt, the term pharaoh came about after Alexander the Great conquered Egypt and after his death his generals who divided up his empire in this case Egypt, the descendants of this general that ruled Egypt were afterwards called pharaohs, not before that, now you know that too, so the Jewish scriptures got that one wrong as well.
There are so many things one can point to in the Torah that is not factual and I dont want to offend my Jewish friends but the truth has to be told, its better for you to know these things and if you only continue to listen to your own rabbis and such, you will get mislead and make the many mistakes you have made in the past that will come to haunt you as a people, I was about to say this as well before I end this, after all the miracles the Jews say after God freed them from slavery, it only took that group of Jews only 40 days to lose their faith in the desert under the mountain where Prophet Moses went to chill with the Creator, only 40 days, you know yourselves what happened, only 40 days, and the reason is your rabbis and their things they put in your heads, not all rabbis are bad of course, I have seen some truly good ones too, some honest rabbis, rabbi Tovia is a good man too but sometimes he just says things makes me wonder whats going on in his mind, only God knows I guess.
