Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time and Western World

Fully agreed with everything in the video said except this point at 11:10 and I am talking about my own experiences, I have travelled around the world and visited many places, what I can testify to is, not one single Islamic organization I came about or any Muslim wanted to help me with anything and Jewish as well but on the other hand basically every single Christian person I got the pleasure to knew helped me tremendously, even in the US with Christians where even MAGA folks even though I trying to convince them why I didnt support at that time Mr Trump and of course they didnt like what I said, look me being a foreigner a Muslim opposing President Trump and the concept of the Trinity and all they still were nice polite civilized about it and not least generous to me, I think I know why still accepted me, I think it was because we agreed the true danger on where the Luciferians were taking us was the glue that bonded us in the same direction, we of course disagreed who would take us towards freedom, they of course said President Trump would take us there and I didnt but other than that we connected on a deeper level because of the danger opposed on all of us which made us recognize the humanity in both of us.
But the truth has to be told, the Christians are beautiful people in their generosity which the Muslims still have a long long way to get to that level, its to be honest embarrassing, many times I wanted to totally reject the Muslims and everything that has to do with them, but I can not bear being dishonest with myself being fully convinced that the Holy Quran is in fact the word of the Creator, but the followers of it, you are a disgrace, you dont deserve to even hold the Holy Quran in your hands, 90% of you are not perhaps even 95% of you are not, I am just saying what I have been observing, so no I dont agree with what CJ, Muslims are not the most charitable people in the world far from it but everything else mentioned in the video I do agree with as a matter of fact. 
