Oh SH*T, New COVID vaccines being pushed by Biden as new variant emerges...

The way I understood the covid vaccine controversy during the lockdowns was something like, ok these criminals wants to make money thats why they made the virus and now want to make the governments around the world with their main stream media scaring people to the extend to make these pharmaceutical companies filthy rich, thats how I saw it play out, I didnt want to believe it was more to that than just money making scheme, I at that time didnt see any definitive evidence that perhaps the vaccine was more than just a harmless vaccine, so I didnt mind at the end taking it myself, and I have to say this in my defense before I continue, as you all know I was in the US at the time, west coast, I had plans to continue sailing, that means crossing the Pacific Ocean and one cannot do it unless you arrive at Hawaii and then perhaps Guam, all US terratories, controlled by the Democrats, so before I left California I knew non of these islands would let me in unless I had my vaccination card, its a side issue yet an important one for me in my case, but if I was absolutely sure the vaccine was more than just a harmless vaccine I wouldnt have taken it nor would I recommend anyone else to take it also, in my defense I also want to say something before I even took the first shot, I stated very clearly that if it comes out that the vaccine was more than just a harmful vaccine those who promoted I would no longer see as trustworthy individuals, today I think more than just evidence is pointing towards the vaccine being not harmful but the opposite, I remember when folks said it was something magnetic to it, many people laughed at them, at that point I hadnt taken the first shot yet, and from what I thought I knew, how can a fluid vaccine being magnetic, I took the first shot and never thought about the controversies about it because it didnt affect me negatively in any way, then after the second shot I recalled what the skeptics saying being magnetic so I took a piece of super thin small steel sheet I had in my boat to check in case where I had my shot taken in my arm was indeed magnetic, and what do you know it sure was, the damn area where I took the shot was did attract the thin steel object towards it, I couldnt believe it, I tried all angles and it was magnetic, and only around where I took the shot, then I got neck pain for a couple of days where I couldnt turn my head side to side but that wasnt a big of a deal, I was wondering why the vaccine was magnetic, I still dont know its too late now I had taken the damn thing, I didnt think much of it because I was preparing to sail off and I had a long journey ahead of me, the Pacific takes three months of constant sailing before you reach Asia and one cannot sail continually for three months solo unless you have a big expensive well equipped boat to make the trip, so people like me need to make stops like Hawaii perhaps Marshal Islands then Guam but I skipped Marshal Islands and went straight from Hawaii to Guam, when I was kidnapped by the Philippine Lawless Pirate Entity they put me in Bicutan immigration gulag, there I got in really bad shape, I was constantly sick with something, I got sick a few weeks better than got sick again and it continued like this for a over six months, the thing is I have a strong immune defense, I never get sick, cant remember when I was sick before I was kidnapped in Philippines, so I started to think what the hell could be wrong with me, and the only thing I can think off is the so called vaccine, it made me weaker thats for sure, what it does among many other harmful things is to stop your own body to produce its own natural anti bodies, like steroids does, by injecting high level of testostron your own body will stop producing its own, and when you are off it, your own body will if you are lucky start producing it again but not as it should do before, these vaccines are doing the same thing, and upon it all, we are not sure what more harm it causes to your body, I would very strongly recommend never ever take anything these criminals are telling you to take, these criminals are not after your well being, you need to understand this.

do you guys remember the first month of the lockdowns, you saw the queen of UK and all these officials in politics and in the main stream media got "sick" and affected by covid before any of us peasants and how they came out publicly to scare you how serious this virus is, at that time I knew it was BS just propaganda to show even these poor elites can get affected by this virus, so of they can get affected so can you simple peasants so you better support whatever the government is selling you around it, my thoughts was, how can these like Elisabeth of UK and their prime minister and all these high officials who are careful about everything these who wont let anyone unvetted get even close to them, how come all of these got sick before any of us, but it wanst just that, after the lock down and all the hype around wearing masks, at that time I had fallen from my bike and broken my arm, I went to a couple of hospitals and honest to god, all these hospitals were broke empty, I mean not a soul there, as if they all had gone out of business and the main stream media was telling folks at that time that all hospitals are working over time with no beds left so they were forced to take to extreme measures building tents outside the hospitals, you friends heard and saw the hype yourselves, I can testify that all the major hospitals I went to were almost empty and everyone were relaxed there, those who worked there knew it was a hoax, but the mainstream and the corrupt elected officials were telling you the opposite of what was going on the ground with constant numbers of "casualties" rising second by second, sure people with underlining issues died, my understanding was that 0,5% of those who got the virus actually died from it, now these NWO criminals from WEF closed down the planet made life many times more expensive for all of us so they can reach their plans of depopulating the planet of the so called free breathers.

We have to resist and you are part of the Resistance if you like to, rise up out of your coffin you still undead !
