Rabbi: Opposing Israel in not anti-Semitic

Opposing the apartheid Zionist this unholy state called Israel is being in fact PRO the Jewish people, I am of those who believe the Jews has been taken for a ride and deceived, like they have been so many countless of times before, we are here to safe the Jews from this massive mistake many of them are committing today, to the believers! some of you call this Israel the "holy state of Israel" you dont seems to understand the meaning of the wording you are using, holy is the exact opposite of a secular state, I hope you understand this, and lets look at what this so called holy state has implemented as the law of the land, may I remind you in the HOLY LAND ! not only is this apartheid entity a secular one it is promoting homosexuality, something even this hypocrite Satanyaaboo (Netanyahu) has expressed strong support for, and also how its treating the native Palestinians as well, as the piraya apartheid racist entity it is, this is NOT a holy state, in fact the exact opposite of what the actual Holy State should stand for, this is why I respect these God fearing Jews you see in the video, I also oppose the secular and these other face conservatives racist lunatics pretending opposing the liberals in the Holy Land, both in my view are wrong and deceived, because both are race worshipers and NOT Godfearing because if they were they would come to their senses like these other real Godfearing Jews you see here in the video, and if you are pro peace and stand for tolerance and understaning and oppose the Luciferian NWO you should also stand with those with common sense and start promoting a One State Solution of peace tolerance prosperity the blessings of God and all the good stuff that comes with it, because I fear otherwise with these loonies in power right now, only one outcome is predicted and thats is chaos, more chaos and chaos +chaos= death and destruction with no winners to brag about it, this is going to happen if you dont stand for common sense, its your choice, remember, only we can save ourselves, we have been given all we need to either self destroy to rise up and build something sustaining and good.
