'STOLE THE SHOW': Brian Kilmeade offers praise for unexpected 2024 candi...

I dont understand why they are busting Viveks balls with regards to his Israel comment, why is Israel eligible for billion of US tax dollars aid ? Satanyaaboo is bragging about how good their economy and everything else is doing yet you have these over here who say, oh no please we have no good use of our own tax dollars why dont you have more of what we dont need ourselves to give to the needy in our own country. Whats wrong with Vivek pointing out that, its not like he has a an axe to grind with Israel like I do, I personally have a huge issue the Unholy State of Israel, Vivek doesnt, so why are you picking on him when he only have the good interest the American people in mind, I have the best interest of both the American and the Jews in the Holy Land in mind, most of the Jews dont realize the danger from within I am warning them about, the loonies that are very close of being the end of them there, in fact I would very strongly advise the Jews to move out of there at least for now, if and when war breaks out thats the last place you would want to be at, a closed off military base when things start to rain down on them, truth be told I dont see a very bright future for the Middle East, I am being honest, they are all a bunch of crazies over there with itchy fingers on triggers all kinds of triggers thats Middle East for now, in the future God willing it can change when people start realizing peace was always a better option than the chose, but when it comes to the US, I suggest you look after your own a little bit, foreign policy is important too, and each regional area have its own characteristics like Israel, its rich their citizens are doing many times better than the US citizens, they have free healthcare they have more than everything, why would any sensible American want to give them more of what they already have when American citizens are in need of all kinds of assistance, this is what Vivek is talking about, if you are true patriotic American you should support Vivek not attacking him on this, he actually trying to look after you by risking his candidacy to bring up this particular sensitive subject, there are not many good candidates like Vivek I can tell you this right now, the other candidates are bought and paid for by special interest who wants to deplete your tax dollars on things that only will bring you more and more headaches, the reason you are in such mess is because of these other sellouts, harsh words but true, look after Vivek and appreciate him for sticking his head out, or dont and fall even deeper in to the mess you have brought upon yourselves, I hope you do the right thing here. 
